The story begins...

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My name is Xavier. I'd be frank with you all that I'm no superman. I'm no elementalist. I don't command a dragon or God knows what...critters. I'm not a perfect guy and I sure am not some Adonis. I'm just a regular guy. Just some average Joe who once fell in love with a gal. I know, it sounds unmanly, but heck real guys show their true feelings. Besides, I just wanna tell you folks about this... Who knows it might help you realize things you haven't figured out before?

It happened around 5 years ago. There was this new girl in school, she was cute, yeah, I admit that. But she doesn't totally attract me the way Rain did. Who's Rain? She's the smartest girl I've ever known and dang she was hot. She knows I have a crush on her and my guts tell me she feels the same way. Okay, back to the new girl. I mentioned she's cute right? Yeah, so over the course of time I realized with utter terror that she was smart. Maybe even smarter than Rain. I mean, she overlapped some of Rain's scores in the hardest subjects...and mine too... One more reason I got attracted to Rain is because of the competence I feel whenever she's around. She's one tough cookie. So new gal proved to be smart...

Her name was Angela. And I got the opportunity to know her better when I got to sit beside here.

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