💜Chapter 19- Her Mistake (Pt2)💔

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🐞Marinette's POV🐞

I jogged slowly behind Alya and Nino, aware of the blood soaking into my shirt. My wound had opened back up when the bookcase fell, and now, I couldn't even breath without being In pain.
I needed to slip away.
So, without thinking, the second Alya and Nino had looked away from me, I darted into a nearby classroom.
"Marinette, don't you think you should of waited until you were outside before dissapearing?"
Shit. She was right.
Why do I always make everyone worry.
"Tikki I-"
"Hey, It's okay. I understand. Let's deal with this akuma"
I nodded and swiftly trasformed into ladybug, opening one of the window's and climbing out, swinging over to where the source of most of the explosions were.
Just a few blocks away from the school, a relatively large figure was floating mid-air, a bomb gripped in his hand.
His suite was all black, face covered by a golden and red mask.
"Stop running you filthy animal!"
He yelled, chucking one of his bombs infront of him.
I muttered, drawing closer.
Surveilling the streets below, I noticed a familair mop of golden hair.
"Chat Noir!"
His head darted in my direction, and, seeming to forget our fight for a moment, ran towards me.
"Are you okay?"
I asked, glancing him over for any injures.
"M'fine. Ex-claw-sted though"
He chuckled half-heartedly, and I shook my head.
"Only you would make a joke at a time like this"
(Wellll wellll look who's inside again)
He shrugged, before a serious expression passed over his face.
"Have you seen Marinette? I told her, Alya and Nino to get out the school, but-"
"I took her home"
I lied fluently, hoping he would buy it.
Chat's eyes narrowed in suspicion, crossing his arms over his chest.
He was about to speak, when his eyes shot open wide and he shoved me backwards.
Landing harshly on my behind and wincing in pain, I glared over at him
"What the he-"
A bomb detonated just where i was standing a few seconds ago.
I called over to him, scrambling up.
"No problem"
For the next few minutes, we dodged incoming attacks from the un-named akuma, who was becoming increasingly annoyed.
"Why can't you heroes just die already!?"
"Die? That's a bit extreme don't you think?"
Chat yelled over the noise, rasing a brow at the villian.
"Where do you think his akuma is?"
I shouted,
"Im thinking the bag, it's the only visible object he has on him."
"Good idea!"
I rushed over to cover and summoned my lucky charm.
"A...smoke bomb?"
Chat landed next to me, breathless, before glancing over at my lucky charm.
"Fight fire with fire?"
"...wait! You're right!"
"I am..?"
I nodded rapidly and handed him the smoke bomb.
"Right, when i say go, you're gonna bat the bomb at him. When he's stunned, I'll yank off his bag"
"Got it"
He ran out towards the street and began yelling to get the Villian's attention, giving me enough time to make my way to the top of the building.
I was on his level now.
His eyes went from Chat, to me, and I smirked triumphantly.
"Chat now!"
Chat noir grinned, throwing the smoke bomb up in the air and wacking it with all his strength towards the villian, blinding him when it exploded.
Using this opportunity, I leaped off the building and latched onto the bag.
Unfortunately for me, the strap snapped off and i was sent plumeting towards the concrete.
Gripping the bag in my hand, I prepared for impact when a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around me.
Opening a single eye, praying it wasn't the villian who caught me, I was met with an emerald gaze.
"Nice catch"
I muttered, handing the bag over to Chat when he had placed me down.
"It's what I do"

🐱Adrien's POV🐱

I used my cataclysm on the bag, watching in triumph as it crumbled in my hands and the akuma flew out.
Ladybug had managed to catch the victim when his powers had deteriorated mid-air, placing him gently on the ground.
He had pale brown eyes and black hair that reached his shoulders, a frown set on his face.
He muttered, head in hands.
He looked to be in his early twenties, although, the dark circles under his eyes made him look older.
Whilst ladybug fixed the damage, I crouched down next to him.
"Hey, do you need a lift home?"
He shook his head, shakily standing up and brushing himself off,
"No. I live close by...thanks though. And...I'm sorry"
"Hey, it's fine. It's not your fault."
He nodded, before walking off.
I turned to see ladybug looking at me expectantly, motioning towards the croud of paparazzi beginning to form.
I shook my head,
"Could you deal with them this time? I have something to do"
"Okay. But you owe me next time"
I chuckled,
I quickly used my baton to propell myself forward, leaping over buildings to get towards the school.
A couple of ambulances were outside dealing with the injured, but I instantly noticed Alya and Nino from a mile away.
Landing beside them, Alya instantly turned around and rushed towards me, panic in her eyes.
"What's wrong-"
"Have you seen Marinette?"
I frowned,
"She's not at home?"
Alya shook her head,
"I called home instantly when I realised she wasn't with us. But Her mum said she isn't there-"
I tuned out the rest, vision going blurry.
She lied to me.
Ladybug lied to me. Again.
An indescribable feeling of anger and hurt and panic filled me all at once, and,without another word, I rushed off, Alya calling out my name.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck-
"Chat Noir!"
Her voice made me freeze in my tracks, and I listened out for the familair sound of her yoyo and feet hitting concrete.
"Hey, I thought you would of gone home by now...-"
I turned my gaze to glare at her, and she flinched.
"What happened?"
"What happened? I'll tell you what fucking happened!?"
I yelled, turning to face her fully, baton discarded on the floor.
"Alya told me. Marinette never arrived at home. You didn't take her home."
She looked at loss for words, mouth opening and closing as she seemed to struggle to form an excuse.
It's always an excuse.
"No. Don't. There is nothing you could possibly say to me to justify what you did. You lied to me, again! You promised me that she was safe this time. YOU PROMISED!"
At the raise of my voice, she took a step backwards, fear and guilt darkening her eyes.
"She could be dead! She could be bleeding out in a back fucking alley and I would be completely oblivious because you fucking lied."
"Do you have any idea how much she means to me? Do you have any idea how much I love her?"
"Well, do you!?"
"Clearly not. After Friday I thought you understood that I didn't want there to be any more secrets between us. I thought you respected me enough as your friend to tell me the truth from now on. But now, I can see that was a fucking lie too."
"Chat Noir please I-"
"What is this?"
"I don't get it! Does it pain you so much to see me happy for once? For me to be in love with someone who isn't you?"
"No, that's not-"
"I don't understand! All you ever do is order me around like I'm some useless sidekick! We're supposed to be a team.."
"We are a team, please I-"
"No! We aren't. It's you. It's always been you! I'm so sick of it!"
By this point, I was screaming, angry tears on my cheeks as I let out all the panic and anger that had been building up in me all day.
"I just want her to be safe. That's all I ever wanted, for her to be safe. And now..I have no idea if she's hurt, where she is, what happened to her..and neither do you"
The tears were quicker now, my own cries choking me as I struggled to keep my voice steady.
"I can't do this anymore I can't..."
I ran off before she could speak again.

🐞Marinette's POV🐞

After the arguement with Chat noir, I didnt want to go home instantly.
I knew it was a bad idea, to worry everyone, to not assure them that I was okay, but I went to the park instead, detransforming and curling up on a park bench.
"Am I a bad person?"
She stared at me with widened eyes, before composing herself,
"Marinette. If Master fu thought you were a bad person he would of never given you the miraculous. You aren't a bad person, you just-"
"Im selfish. Chat Noir was right. I do things without thinking of anyone else and I treat him terribly."
I felt the tears well up in my eyes as I desperately wiped them away, sniffling.
I hummed in acknowledgement.
"I love you"
That was it. Those three words burst the damns and sent me into a quiet fit of sobbing and hiccuping.
Tikki pressed a small kiss to my forehead and nuzzled into the side of my face.
"Hush, it's okay"
I nodded slowly, taking a deep breath to calm myself, biting my lip to muffle my cries.
"I'm not ready to go home yet"
"Please Tikki"
She sighed,
"Okay, we can sit here for a while. But you do have to go home before the sun goes down."
"Thank you"
The two of us sat on that bench until the sun went down, doodling, talking, crying (all on my part).
Eventually, I was emotionally ready to head home.
I could already hear my mother and father shouting at me. And Alya. And Chat.
When I reached the Bakery, the shop was still open, which was strange since they usually close earlier in the winter.
Checking the time, it was five pm,and already pitch black.
I shivered, and pushed open the door.
The second I stepped foot into the bakery, a was enveloped into someone's arms.
"Marinette, Marinette oh my god!"
It was my mother, and by the shaking of her hands I could tell she was crying.
"Where have you been!? Oh my god I'm so glad you're okay!"
She pulled away from me, anger glistening in her eyes,
"How dare you dissapear like that and not tell anyone, especially me, where you've gone?!"
I didn't answer.
"Alya called, she told me what happened at the school. How you split up from her and Nino and she couldn't find you. I was this close to calling the police"
She yelled, tears streaming down her face.
"Mama...I'm sorry..."
I heard her sigh after a tense minute of silence,
"Your father isn't back yet. I haven't told him what happened today and I don't plan to. But, you are grounded for the next two weeks"
I nodded.
That was a fair punishment for what I had done.
She wrapped her arms around me again,
"I'm just so glad you're okay.."
Once she had finished hugging me, she allowed me to go up to my room.
The second I had sat down on my desk chair I checked my phone.
10 missed calls from Alya
7 missed calls from Adrien
5 missed calls from Nino
Oh god.
I instantly clicked on Alya's contact, hitting the call button and shakily waiting for her to answer.
The phone rang twice before it was picked up.
She sounded exhausted, voice raw with emotion.
"Alya" I breathed out.
After that, I couldn't make out much through her sobs and yells, but she definitely said 'what the fuck', 'Fuck you' and 'I'm so glad you're okay' multiple times.
I felt horrible, but I lied and said that I went to the doctors because I had a wound that needed stitches, which she believed suprisingly easily.
"I can't believe you. Disappearing like that. You aren't a fucking Magician bitch."
I almost laughed at her comment. Almost.
"I'm sorry"
"I know.."
There was silence for a long time.
"I'm going to hang up now, I'm tired and...just really fucking tired"
I heard her say, and I nodded, eventhough I knew she couldn't see it.
"I texted Adrien and Nino that you're okay, expect to be attacked tomorrow though"
I chuckled bitterly.
"Bye, love you"
"Love you too"
After she hung up, I sat in my chair for god knows how long, stairing aimlessly at the ceiling, making patterns in the darkness of my room.
Then, my balcony window was literally thrown open with a bang, cause me to let out a scream of terror.
I stood up, heart hammering in my chest as I grabbed the nearest thing to me, which happened to be a plush of Chat Noir.
Holding my breath for a moment, I watched as a dark figure decended down my ladder and landed on my bed, leaping over the side and hitting the floor with a thud.
Green eyes met mine, and I instantly knew who it was.
His chest was rising and falling rapidly, tears cascading down his reddened cheeks and eyes wide with panic. He stared at me, trembling, as if he couldn't believe I was actually there.
"Marinette!? Is everything alright up there!?"
My mother called from below, and I spoke without breaking his gaze.
"Y-yes! I Just saw a bug!"
"Ah alright. Be careful!"
We continued to stare at eachother, and I wondered if he was going to speak when my room was suddenly illuminated by a flashing green light.
My arms sheilded my eyes, and I squinted to look at him.
I froze, eyes going wide and hands flying to my mouth in an attempt to muffle my sound of suprise.
My heart dropped to my stomache, legs shaking as I stared at him.
Chat Noir was gone.
In his place was someone I knew well, or, thought I knew well right until this point.
I choked out, blinking rapidly.
He whimpered.

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