💜Chapter 14- The Dance💜

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🐞Marinette's POV🐞
I stared at myself in the mirror, shock evident on my face as I gazed at my reflection. There was no way that was me.

 There was no way that was me

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(Marinette's dress)

(Marinette's hairstyle)

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(Marinette's hairstyle)

(Marinette's hairstyle)

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(Alya's dress)

(Alya's hairstyle)

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(Alya's hairstyle)

Alya smirked at me, "See, I told you i knew what i was doing!"
She looked extremely proud of herself as she adjusted the strap of her dress .
"I look..different.."
I muttered, eyes travelling over myself once more,
"You look beautiful"
My best friend reassured.
"So do you, thanks again for doing my hair and makeup"
Alya nodded, grabbing her purse.
"You ready?"
I grinned, taking her hand and allowing her to lead me downstairs.
"Adrien said he'd pick everyone up"
"Thats kind of him"
I heard her giggle,
"It's just funny..a few months ago you would have fainted at the idea of being in the same room as Adrien, now you barely react when he's around"
I couldn't help but let out a small laugh as well. It was ironic how different things were now.
Alya's phone buzzed, and she quickly answered.
"That's Adrien, The limo's outside"
She opened her front door, calling a quick goodbye into her house, before locking it behind her.
Like planned, the boys were patiently waiting infront of the car, talking about something or the other.
However, when they noticed us coming down the steps, they froze.
Nino's jaw hung open, gazing at Alya with such adoration as he drunk in her image.
Adrien on the other hand, went stiff.
He stared, wide eyes and a prominent blush on his face.
I reached his side, almost laughing at his reaction.
"You look good"
I attempted to start a conversation.
"I-I..uh you- Beautiful!"
He blurted without thinking.
I giggled at his embarrassed expression, Not failing to notice Alya's side eye.
"L-lets go"
The four of us climbed into the limo, seated comfortably as The gorilla began his drive to the school.
"I'm glad we decided to go as a group"
Nino stated, eyes not leaving Alya.
It was a bit awkward, as Nino and Alya were the only couple in the group, so Adrien and I were going to have to third-wheel for the rest of the night.
"So, are there any official couples going tonight?"
Adrien asked curiously.
Alya thought for a moment.
"Juleka and rose are going, as well as Ivan and Mylene. Marc and Nathaniel are gonna be there....oh! Simon and Mike are going too!"
My eyes widened. Simon had told me about Mike quite a few times, but i hadn't realised that they were official yet.
"Wait, really? They started dating?"
Alya nodded with a grin, "I know right? Honestly it's really sweet, they deserve eachother"
The rest of the ride was full of Chatter and random conversations until we finally pulled up outside the school.
Red and white banners and balloons decorated the outside, as well as a couple of signs.

Dance in the upstairs gymnasium

Please have a good time!

(I know the school probs doesnt have an upstairs gym, but lets just pretend-)

"Damn, they really went all out"
Nino whistled, admiring the work.
Music could already be heard upstairs, so the four of us headed up to the gym. The second we entered the hall however, Adrien's mood switched.
He went from shy and nervous to protective and slightly intimidating in an instant.
It reminded me of what happened in the Alley a couple of weeks ago, how Both Chat and Adrien began acting strangely guarding.
It was cute, but especially inconvenient when there was constant eyes at the back of my head.
Sighing, i glanced around the room to see who was here.
Juleka and Rose were in the corner cuddling, which was rather cute, especially since Rose was half asleep.
Marc and Nathaniel were by the punch table, With the red head drawing and Marc chatting excitedly to him.
Ivan and Mylene were on the dance floor, awkwardly moving to the beat, and Simon and Mike were seated at a table, happily chatting.
I smiled, failing to notice the eyes on me.

🐱Adrien's POV🐱

She was beautiful. Perfect. An angel. I wanted so badly to tell her that, but i wasn't Chat Noir right now. I sighed, shoving my hands in my pocket and leaning back against the wall.
Nino and Alya had dissapeared somewhere, and I sure as hell could't ask Marinette to dance. So there i stood, alone.
My thoughts of That Alley way drowned out the music, and my facial features changed drastically.
If I had been quicker, maybe That wouldn't of happened.
If I had been stronger..maybe-
My eyes snapped open, only to see Marinette staring at me, slightly concerned.
"I've been calling you for the past minute!"
"S-sorry.." I apologized, scratching the back of my neck.
"It's alright! I just came over to ask if you were doing okay..You looked upset"
I blushed. It was sweet how worried she was about Adrien and Chat Noir.
"Yeah I'm fine! Just bored is all"
She giggled, leaning next to me.
"I get what you mean, Alya and Nino ran off to do who knows what"
I smiled, and we both watched the people on the dance floor with vague interest.
"So, wanna dance?" She asked, offering her hand out to me.
I blinked, the red returning to my cheeks.
"Shouldn't I be the one asking you to dance?"
Marinette rolled her eyes with a smirk,
"Alright then, ask me Agreste"
Bowing, I offered a hand out to her,
"Care for a dance. M'lady?"
She bit her lip to contain her laughter, taking my hand and allowing me to lead her onto the dance floor.
I felt My Chat Noir persona shine through as i placed my hands at her waist, pulling her body closer to mine while she wrapped her arms around my neck.
Sighing contently, the two of us began swaying to the music, and i felt the rest of the room melt away.
It was only me and her now.
My eyes fluttered closed, forehead pressing against Marinette's and a smile forming on my face.
I felt complete.
However, when i heard the loud thudding of footsteps approaching us, i had a feeling that our moment was about to end.
"What the hell!"
I recognised that voice anywhere. Chloe.
Marinette and I parted from eachother, and i could already feel a few eyes on us.
"Why are you dancing with her!"
She yelled, and only then did i notice Kim looking extremely apologetic beside her.
"Chloe please ju-"
"Shut up you slag!"
Before I could even jump to Marinette's defence, i heard Alya's voice.
"Don't call my best friend a slag, Bitch"
Nino stood behind his girlfriend in case he needed to hold her back, but he looked equally pissed.
"I'll call her whatever the fuck I want! She's dancing with my man"
"I don't belong to you Chloe!"
I hissed, feeling my temper rise.
"Sorry..what's going on here?"
Simon and Mike approached the small group that was forming.
"Chloe's starting on Marinette again"
Nino informed.
"Oh my god, why can't you just leave them alone!"
Chloe's eyes snapped towards Simon in an instant.
"What did you say you fucking F@#÷"
(Im not gonna put it in, but i think you can guess what she said-)
She went to give him a harsh shove, but Mike placed himself between them.
"Don't touch my Boyfriend"
He growled, putting a protective arm around the smaller boy.
"Listen Chloe, why can't you just leave me alone!"
"Yeah right! So you can just swoop in and steal Adrien from me?"
"He's his own person! He doesn't belong to you or anyone else! So stop trying to claim him!"
"Shut up you-"
I yelled, causing the whole room to go silent.
"Chloe. Your behaviour tonight, and in general, is disgusting."
I ground out, causing her to flinch back,
"You're vile to everyone in our class, bully your way to the top, and treat everyone else like your slaves. I hate people like that...I hate you"
Her eyes widened.
"You've changed. You used to be nice. But now...You're just a monster....leave me and my friends alone...I don't want to speak to you again."
She attempted to reach out and touch me, but I moved away, glaring down at her.
The blonde haired girl let out a loud sob before rushing out of the room to god knows where. No one followed her, not even Sabrina.
Everyone seemed to be in shock for a moment, so i spoke first,
"What I said may have been harsh...But her actions were unacceptable"
A few people nodded, while others awkwardly went back to what they were doing.
Simon and Alya reached Marinette's side, pulling her away to talk, whilst Nino, Mike and I sat down at another table.
"You said what needed to be said"
Mike stated, leaning back, and glancing at the door that the girl had run through.
"You think she'll come back?"
Nino asked, sighing.
"I doubt it. But she was put in her place, and That's all that matters"

(Sorry if you don't agree with these ships, but i think they're pretty good and me and my friend like them, part 2 will come out soon)

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