5 - No Scrubs

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A scrub is a guy that thinks he's fly
And is, also known as a buster
Always talking about what he wants
And just sits on his broke ass, so

                                                                  -  TLC

Alaya POV

"What nigga you got around my kids Alaya?" he yelled through the phone.

"Slow your roll, buddy. I don't have nobody around these damn kids so watch who the fuck you yelling at."

"Do you think I'm a bitch or something? Why the fuck you got all these groupies tagging me in shit of you hugged up with niggas while you with my kids?" he yelled again.

"Nigga I am not about to keep arguing with you. I saw somebody I knew and gave them a hug and somebody took a picture. That's it, that's all. But your not going to call my phone on bullshit when I'm doing you a fucking favor."

"And that's on period, Daddy," Bella said in the phone.

I hung up in his face and set the phone down. Who the fuck does he think he is?

"Let's go y'all," I said, throwing 200 dollars on the table.

They got up and I grabbed Willow, heading out the restaurant.

When I was strapping Willow into her car seat, Jayda Facetimed me.

"Hello," I answered.

"Come visit Big Wayda," she cheesed.

"I just saw you yesterday."

"So that means you can't come see me today?" she gasped.

"I guess I can stop by your house."

"I'm not at home, I'm at Von's."

"Well then I'm not coming. I'm sick of being around him and Durk already and it hasn't even been a week."

"Bestie please come over here. It's so boring at my house but this bitch Maya is getting on my nerves," she whined.

"Uhhh, I'm sick of you. Is Coi and Pooh there?"

"Yep. Come see us!" She yelled.

"Ok I will, damn."

"Oh and Laya?" I looked at the phone and raised my eyebrows.

"Bring the dogs," she smirked.

I made a big u turn and headed home to pick up Shooter and Draco.


I knocked on the door with a sleeping Willow in my hands.

"Bestie," Jayda squealed, answering the door.

"We're here too," Bella waved.

"Hey, children," she said moving out the way. I walked in with the kids in front of me and the dogs on my sides.

"Is that Lay Bae?" Coi smiled.

They act like they never see me...

"I prefer Daddy Lay, but Lay Bae is cute too."

Von was sitting on the couch rolling up when an angry Pooh walked in eating grapes with a bickering Maya on his tail.

"Aye, Von getcho bitch gang," he mugged.

"Watch that bitch word," she said loudly.

"Why y'all here?" Von asked.

"Jayda called us to turn up this wack ass gathering," Bella boosted.

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