13 - I Don't Do Drugs

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This hella short. Just a heads up...

Love got me fucked up
Got me on stuck, chasing that rush
Had to give in, couldn't give up
I just want you, but I don't do drugs
                                                         -  Doja Cat

Alaya POV - an hour later

I was sitting on the couch laughing super hard. This is why I don't need to do drugs.

"Laya be quiet," Von groaned, sitting next to me.

I sat backwards on the couch and leaned back.

"Oh my god. I'm falling," I screamed, laughing.

"How the fuck did y'all leave edibles around her?" he complained.

Pooh shrugged his shoulders when the door opened. Durk, Bella, and Angelo came through the door.

"What have y'all done to my twin?" Bella mugged walking over to me.

"Alaya," she called out, shaking me.

"Hi," I giggled sitting up.

"How the hell did y'all leave edibles around her?" Durk asked.

"That's what I'm saying," Von agreed, shaking his head.

Durk walked out the room and came back in with a water bottle and a bag of chips.

"Eat this," he said handing it to me.

"Nigga, how is that going to fix her being high? She tweaking," Pooh asked.

"It's not but it'll keep her occupied so she can stop laughing," Durk explained.

"Why is it called a building if it's already built?" I asked, still giggling.

"Damn, that's some deep shit," Jayda nodded.

"Laya just eat the damn chips and drink the water," Durk demanded.

I laid down on the couch and started drinking the water.

"When is this shit going to wear off? She hella annoying when she high," Von whined.

"It'll be a few hours unless something makes her mad. That'll blow her high," Durk explained.

It might be the drugs talking, but Durk is looking extra fine in that wife beater right now...

"Why are you drinking water laying down?" Coi asked me.

"I heard it helps you suck dick better." The boys looked at me with wide eyes.

"What does water taste like?"

Everybody rolled their eyes and let out a breath.

"You know what? I know what will blow her high," Von smirked. He opened his phone and went to the kitchen to make a call.


I put my noodles in the microwave and started it up.

"Aye Alaya come here!" Von called.

Bumping into the wall, I laughed at myself and walked into the living room seeing Maya standing there.

Welp, that most definitely blew my high...

"Don't start," Von said.

"Don't tell me don't start because I wasn't even about to start but now I'm about to start since you told me don't start."

"Yep. It most definitely worked," Coi chuckled.

"Look I just wanna talk," Maya said, not yelling for the first time in forever.

"We don't get cool with bitches we
fought," Bella mugged standing in front of me.

"Say bitch again Bella," Durk bickered. She completely ignored him and rolled her eyes.

"Laya just hear her out man," Von pleaded.

I looked at her up and down before I nodded my head. We walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table.

"Look, I know we got off to a bad start but Von is one of your closest friends and I'm not going nowhere no time soon so we should at least try to be cool," she ranted.

Girl, you are not going to be here for long, trust me.

"Okay, but I don't like how every time you see me you have something to say."

"Well, you can't blame me for those other times. Those dogs are big as hell and I was scared," she said, looking over at a sleeping Shooter.

"And you know that if you were me and you saw a female laid up in bed with your man, you would do the same thing."

"You right."

"I don't wanna push my boundaries or anything but I wanted to know if you and Coi and Jayda would come to this club with me tomorrow. I've been wanting to go and this could be a good way to kick off a friendship," she smiled.

I don't wanna go anywhere with you bitch...

"We'll think about it." She gave me another small smile before we got up from the table and went back into the kitchen.

"So what did y'all talk about?" Durk asked.

"Nothing much. We're on good terms now."

"Good," Von smiled, looking at Maya's ass. Stop acting like you like this girl.

"Welp, I'm going home to lay down. Bye, y'all," Maya said kissing Von and leaving out.

When she got out the door, everybody looked at Von.

"Now Dayvon, why you acting like you really like that girl for her?" Jayda laughed.

"I do like her for her," he said.

"Yeah, for her ass," Pooh added.

"Whatever nigga. The good thing is she blew Alaya's high and they cool now."

"Yeah, and she wants us to go to the club with her tomorrow," I told Jayda and Coi.

"Oh for real? We not going," Jayda smiled.

"Maybe we should though. We haven't went out in awhile," Coi joined.

"I'll think about it."


My bad. This shit was boring. Something happening next chapter though!

Anyways y'all want that Von book tomorrow?

Anyways y'all want that Von book tomorrow?

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