I hear the crickets through the thin walls. I feel bored in the middle of a room that could use some cleaning.
I've been watching shows for a year and tonight, I'm not clicking that next episode button.
I stare at the shelf full of books I haven't even finished paying off yet.
I used to be quite an enthusiastic reader but I haven't been in the mood for that recently or for quite a long while to be honest. I do read once in a while, a few pages at a time, and then assuming the contents of the rest.
I bought them because I wanted them so badly in the past. When the opportunity presented itself, I just grabbed it with a big smile.
And now, it's one of the reasons I frown all the time. Being in debt when I'm jobless and dependent on my parents isn't very responsible I suppose.
So I just find comfort in kdramas whose characters have such messed up lives that mine dulls in comparison.
I scroll through twitter and come across a tweet by this guy I wouldn't mind falling in love with. Handome, stylish, intellectual... and ok, maybe a bit mean to some people.
I try to think of an engaging message.
Me: Yo, can't sleep. Sooo there's this interesting book I read. I mean, I did read the first few pages. It starts with the anecdote of a boss meeting with an employee. Said employee is super working and don't have conflicts with workmates. The boss began talking about seemingly good traits and how they're a problem. One thing he said was "Do you feel like you're putting up with people who are lazy and incompetent?"