Chapter 20

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        Amy hadn't slept a wink. The baby was even harder to take care of than all of the Cahill youngers all together. As in, at the same time. In the dictionary, there would be a picture of that next to 'chaos'. The baby that they decided to name Olivia Hope Cahill, has been fussing for 15 hours straight. Jake had been busy with the Harper situation, but Ian was going to start with that tomorrow so Amy could fully rest and Jake could take care of the baby.

        Amy was currently standing in the kitchen with Olivia in her right arm and the formula in her left hand. She set the formula on the counter and the baby in a high-chair in the dining room, a few feet away from the counter. The baby started crying but Amy heard it stop. Amy looked around the corner and see why when she saw Kristie entertaining the baby by making weird faces and the baby burst out in laughter. Dan came out from behind her and put one arm around her.

        "You're so perfect with children. Maybe later you'll be a mom." Dan said, kissing her on the cheek.

        This made Amy's jaw drop. Dan was only 18 and if that was going to happen soon, he was gonna get a mouthful from Fiske. Hell, he was gonna get a mouthful from Amy, too. Calm down, Amy. You're over reacting, calm down. She told herself.

        "Isn't she the cutest baby you have ever seen?" Kristie said as if she was talking about a puppy, completely unaffected by Dan's latest comment.

        "She really does have Amy's eyes. Olivia is gonna be the perfect mixture of everyone. I can make sure of that." Dan said with a chuckle.

        Amy went back to making the formula and when she was done, she brought it out and gave it to the baby. Olivia then started banging it against the baby-chair and squirted the formula all over everyone, including herself. Olivia started laughing and banging even harder. Jake came in and grabbed the bottle that he was closest to. He just laughed and kissed Amy and went to the kitchen.

        "Oh, thanks for asking! I've been just taking care of the baby without any help except for Kristie. You're so considerate for asking." Amy said sarcastically. She gave Jake the look. The look that said 'are you freaking kidding me right now'  look.

        Jake stopped what he was doing and came and gave Amy a hug and said,"Sorry, hunney. How are you holding up?"

        "I'm doing good." Amy said, not completely dropping the look, but smiling over it. "You?"

        "Thank you for asking," Jake said walking back to the kitchen and starting a sandwich. "it's been a long day. I got her to talk but I needed to make sure she wasn't lying and then I had to do all the paperwork and all that." Jake said with a sigh.

        "You're not dead. Yet." Amy said with a half smirk half smile.

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