Chapter 34

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       Amy was asleep in her bed when she heard a commotion. She disregarded it as Dan doing something Dan-ish, just like any other time since he was four. The noise then came towards the wing her room was in and she was just too curious. She stood up and got about two feet before her door swung open and she was being enveloped in a bone-crushing hug.

       "Babe, he was just some cheater who didn't deserve you, okay? I brought some movies and some comfort food. Including your favorite movie and white chocolate chip cookies." Amy pulled back and despite everything that just happened it made her smile.

       "Charvi! What are you doing here?! Oh my goodness, it's been so long since we've seen each other in person!" Amy pulled her friend into another hug and was nearly jumping up-and-down like a little kid. She had been a little kid last time she saw Charvi. Not really, but it felt like it, four years.

       "I heard what that boy did to you and I hopped on a plane and was here as quick as possible. Anything for my girl." Amy took the time to look at her friends new appearance. She was short, but Amy wasn't necessarily tall. Charvi had dark black hair and chocolate colored skin from her Indian heritage. Her hair was long and just barely hit her shoulders before it was cut off. She had a small stud in her nose in the right side. She carried a bag and she could see some chocolate, a small container of cookies, a few movies, and a family bag of popcorn.

       "You know you didn't have to do this, right?" Amy thought of how caring her friend was. She was a Cahill, so, technically she was her cousin, but whatever.

       "Hey, you would do the same so shut up and stuff your face with popcorn while I put a movie in, 'kay?" Charvi shoved the giant bag of popcorn in Amy's face before shuffling around through the bag before pulling out a movie box and walking over to the flat screen at the end of the bed, where there was a DVD player that also played Blu-Ray, and she shoved the movie in before the opening of the 'Titanic' started playing.

       Amy smiled and sat on the edge of the bed before opening the bag of popcorn.


       Amy wiped the tears from her eyes. That movie is probably one of the best movies ever. Well, best movie in its genre. There are better movies.

       "What other movies did you bring?"

       "I literally brought every movie ever written."

       "Here, lemme take a look." Amy motioned for Charvi to hand her the bag. Charvi sighed before leaning over the side of the bed in a dramatic way before dramatically grabbing the bag and dramatically throwing it on the bed before dramatically pulling herself up, onto the bed. Notice a pattern?

       "Charvi, stop being a drama queen..." Amy said absentmindedly as she searched the bag. She shuffled through the surprisingly large collection of movies, some DVDs, some VHS, some Blu-Ray... How she got them all, Amy didn't know. Charvi is... well off, but worked hard for it. She was a surgeon in Rajkot, India. It's a decently large city with a population of roughly a million. She was genuinely surprised to see Charvi got the time off to come over. Especially to the U.S.. Amy saw the movie she was looking for and smiled. She pulled the movie out and Charvi let out a sigh of relief.

       "Thank God, I thought you were gonna make me watch another sappy romance. Don't get me wrong, you can't really complain about the 'Titanic' but one is enough." Amy and Charvi looked at each other and it was like those years they weren't in touch never happened as they both burst out laughing at the same time. Amy missed times like this; when her and her friends just hung out and laughed until they were in pain. That kinda ended a while ago when Amy got more serious about her roll in the family. 

       Amy sobered from her laughing fit and looked at the movie they were gonna watch. Captain America- the first Avenger was in silver print at the bottom of the case. Amy smiled again this was probably her favorite movie.

       "Is this your favorite movie as much as it is mine?" Amy said while standing up to put the movie on.

       "Yes, very much so. Along with all the other Marvel movies, of course." The girls giggled as the movie started.


       Amy rolled over, half asleep. She must have fallen asleep during the movie. Amy looked at Charvi to see that she had fallen asleep, too. I should probably put on some pajamas... Amy thought. Amy went over to her dresser where there was a small stack of clean clothes waiting to be put away. Amy grabbed some fuzzy sweat pants and a baggy shirt before walking to the connected bathroom to change and do her pre-bed routine. Amy yawned while she was walking out the bathroom when someone knocked on her door lightly.

       Amy shrugged and walked to the door and opened it to see Ian. She wasn't surprised, Ian had always been right there since... that happened.

       "Hey, Ian. What's up?" Amy smiled and was glad that she didn't have to force it.

       "Just checking you're all good in here. You seem better." He said with a smile.

       "Yeah, Charvi here helped me get my mind off of... you-know-what." Amy looked down like she was ashamed. For what she didn't know but it sure didn't feel great being cheated on.

       "That's her name? Your friend here got through the security systems, how I do not know, and once she was in she was practically sprinting to your room. We were thinking she was a threat but when you hugged and all we realized she was a friendly. Glad to see you happy, Amy." She looked at his smile and it seemed too genuine to be fake.

       "Thanks, Ian. I don't want to be rude, but I need some sleep."

       "Oh, yeah. Goodnight, Amy."

       "Goodnight, Ian"

       Amy watched as Ian turned and walked down the hallway towards his room. Amy closed the door and went back to bed where she actually got some needed sleep.

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