part 1

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A - l am going to get your veil(chunri) from temple

P -It is not necessary Anurag . I will manage it .

A -No , my wifey has asked something for the first time and l am going to fulfilled it So Prerna I am coming in few minutes .

P - I want to tell you something ..

A -ok tell me fast . l am getting late as l have to reach before auspicious time .

P - l am pregnant

A - what l can't believe it are you sure

P -yes l am 100%sure Anurag

A - You have given me biggest news that l am going to be father . l can't tell you how happy l am .

He touched her belly and whisper
Hi princess l know you are listening to me and l am your dad and we are going to meet soon .

P -how do come to know its a girl

A - because l can feel there is my princess .

now you have to take rest . I need to go to bring veil okay then after that l am not going to leave you and my princess .

She smiled

Anurag returns back from temple .
Prerna came with bridal look
She looks so beautiful .
And Anurag was mesmerised with her beauty.
He placed veil over her head and whispers - you are looking so beautiful today
P -is it because of pregnancy glow .

A - maybe

Prerna glares him .

Marriage took place .They had taken blessing from elders

( Note - Her pregnancy period is 3 month )

This is the first time . I am writing something .
I know its too short .But next time I will make it longer .

Do vote and comment .
Please ignore my grammatical mistake

Next update soon

Target - 25 votes

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