part 5

561 29 2

Recap-anupre reception

At room

Anurag - I have brought something for you

Prerna - what ??

Anurag- wait wait  first close your eyes and bring your hand towards me

Prerna - ok
She closed  her eyes and moved her towards him

Prerna - ok She closed  her eyes and moved her towards him

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He fits diamond bangles to her hands .

She opens her eyes and was surprised to see bangles

Anurag hugs her from back

Anurag hugs her from back

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Anurag - how is it ...

Prerna - it is so beautiful .

Prerna - I  am blessed to have you in my life . I am incomplete without you . I never expected in my life  that I would get my soulmate , my everything . Thank you for completing me .

Prerna - I want to ask you something .

Anurag - do you need my permission to say . You are my everything and you can  ask anything.......

Prerna - then tell me why do you make me feel special......

Anurag - because you are my special star

Prerna - Thank you for this bangles

Anurag - anything for my jaan

They broke their hug  and went for freshen up

Suddenly they remembered something .

Anurag - oh no I have forgotten about your appointment .  and Today we have to go for clinic for your  and baby's check up . How can l be careless ...

Prerna - its ok Anurag . Even  though l have also forgotten about checkup .....

Anurag - no no its not ok .....
Are you feeling better . do We need to go for clinic

Prerna - look at me.I am absolutely fine..

Anurag  bents towards her tummy

Anurag - I am sorry princess .Your daddy is so careless  ..
Next time I will remember it

Prerna smile

Prerna touches her tummy and  interrupts the talks

Prerna - You know what princess that your dad will be the world best dad

Anurag kissed her forehead .

And they both went for sleep ......

So thats it for today guys .
I know its was a small update.....
Hope you like it 😊

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Thank you 😊

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