Chapter 3- Nice to meet you all!

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Naya, Toby, Dan and another of his friends walked thorugh the crowd and soon they found Dan's friends waiting for them near the guards backstage, they showed them their backstage passes and they where in.

Dan's friends offered them some drinks and they all took some except for Naya, she had no intention of drinking, she wasn't in the mood for getting drunk, like they would be very soon.

They walked through people running around backstage, sound people and staff moving things about and finally they arrived at a door and Dan's friends opened the door and they entered. It was an average sized room full of sofas everywhere and with all kinds of food and beverages, there were many people in this room but most importantly they were welcomed by none other but One Direction themselves, she guessed these people all woked with them.

"Hey guys, you were great out there" said Toby, they introduced him and his friends to everyone but even if Naya was nice to look at no one akcnoledged her because Toby never tried to make her seem as part of the group, she was always like an outsider, unseen. Dan's friends were not being rude they just didn't know her, no one told them who she was.

"Thanks mate, always nice to meet people who like our work" said the one with the chequed shirt.

Toby smiled and moved towards Naya, "Go sit somewhere" he whispered to her. Still the guy who had just thanked Toby seemed to notice everyone, even Naya so being a gentleman he wanted to introduce himself to her too and soon as he looked behind the men, his warm eyes met hers and he smiled at her. She hated when Toby treated her like that though and she looked down embarassed surely he had heard what Toby said to her, he treated her like a pet in front of people and she had no idea why but it felt like today it was affecting her more than it did in other days. She tried not to look at anyone in particular so that no one would see how tiny she was feeling at the moment but she could feel some eyes on her anyway.

The small quiff guy came up to her with the same warm smile, "Hey I'm Liam Payne" he said happily offering her his hand, "You are?" he asked, so sweet, sometimes she forgot that normally people should acknoldege her like they did to everyone, a year ago a lot of people did.

"I'm Naya Jones" she smiled back as she took his hand and shook it. His smile was kind of warming her shattered heart.

"My Pleasure" he said and turned around, she thought he was going to leave now and she resumed her position with her face down but he returned with someone else so that he could introduce her to everyone, "They're not all here right now but this is Josh Devine our drummer, this is Niall Horan and that's Zayn Malik, guys this is Naya Jones" introduced Liam, they all shook her hands as Liam introduced them. Niall grinned at her and with that he went back to the food table, whereas the Zayn guy had a weird look on his face, like a knowing look and somewhat of a grin as if he was amused about something. Liam decided not to dwell on it since peole were around and Naya didn't know him well enough to ask so it was forgotten.

Liam looked at his watch and excused himself, "Gotta go call my girlfirend now" he said and left with a big smile on his face, Naya thought it was very sweet that he was so excited to call his girlfirend.

She felt very awkward now that Liam had left, he was the one to introduce her what should she do now, it was as if she had forgotten how to go along with people and have a normal conversation. She thought she could just stand her and be invisible and maybe the night would be over soon but Zayn told her to join him at the table were Niall was waving her over. They talked to her an really made her feel at home, she ate a little as Niall was making her really hungry, then the door opened and Perrie from Little Mix came in with a huge smile on her face her dazzling eyes shining when she saw Zayn, Naya just froze. Zayn smiled at Naya's expression as Perrie approached.

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