Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"You received a letter."

"I did?" Dani glanced at Aunt Fiona who had just entered the sitting room with their morning post. A tea service followed her in.

"Yes." She handed her a white envelope and Dani immediately recognised the handwriting from one of her friends.

"Oh, it's from Victoria Sinclair."

Fiona gave her a politely blank stare before taking a seat opposite Dani, picking up her knitting. The loose pile of stitching was looking suspiciously like a pair of orange stockings for Uncle George.

Dani tore open the envelope and pried the parchment from inside. Spreading it open on her lap, she began to read.

My Dearest Danielle

It feels like ages since I last saw you but I'm glad to inform you that Gabriel is absolutely wonderful. I honestly do not think he could make me any happier if he tried. As you well know, I had my doubts at one stage but he has proven most suitable as a husband and I can readily confirm that I am very deeply in love with him.

How are you faring in Cornwall? I'm told the county is very beautiful and I shall endeavour to visit you sometime soon in the future. Well, very soon to be precise.

A close acquaintance of Gabriel's is hosting a fall masque ball in the country for a select few of us. When I say a select few, I mean close to the entire set of the ton. It's to be quite the thing, I'm sure, and seeing as it is in Truro, I was hoping that you'd accompany us. Gabriel and I would be appropriate chaperones and I shall be arriving in Cornwall within the next couple of days in order to prepare for the event. I'm reserving your company for a shopping expedition at once as well as numerous fittings for our costumes.

I'm so excited to see you and very glad we have this excuse to spend some time together. Don't even think about replying in the negative, Dani, as I'll simply drag you off. If you use your poor old mother as an excuse not to go, that simply won't wash. I've devised a costume for you that will have enough black in it to suffice for your mourning period.

Yours fondly,


Dani grinned.

"It seems I'm to attend a ball," she told her aunt, who glanced up from her knitting and pushed her spectacles up her nose.

"A ball? Heavens, I don't have to attend, do I?" she asked.

"No that's quite alright," Dani reassured her. "Victoria and Gabriel

Sinclair will do the honours for you."

"Oh, lovely. That's alright then."

He was waiting for her.

For some reason, that made her immensely pleased.

He was leaning against a tree a few hundred metres away from Falmouth, his arms bunching and crossed over his vast chest. His legs were intersected at the ankles and his cloak was black and, as usual, hiding his face.

"Expecting someone?" she asked with a smile as she came to a halt in front of him.

"Yes," he drawled. "Perhaps you know her. A stubborn, persistent girl with a gorgeous freckle next to her nose."

Unconsciously, Dani touched the offending spot he mentioned then lowered her hand. "I don't know her," she told him. "I do know a stubborn, persistent girl with unbecoming freckles on her nose?"

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