That moment

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That moment in time is something I will never forget. Though it wasn't even the most pleasureful moment of that day it's forever frozen in my mind. The feel of the chains on my limbs. The vulnerability I felt from the nudity, bondage, and the control she had over my most intimate parts. The feel of her possessing me, me belonging totally to her. I'll never forget it. cheating The chill of the cold steel shackles around my wrists and ankles began to raise goosebumps across my skin. I could feel the cool dry air of the room as it moved in and around my mostly naked form as I stood, spread-eagled and chained to the two large columns in the center of the room. In the center of her room. My breathing deepened as the realization of my situation began to sink in. My temperature was running high from the anticipation that had built up over the course of the last few weeks so the cool air felt rather nice. Excitement filled my body and my cock began to stir as my thoughts ran away with lustful imaginations about the possibilities this day held.

"Hey there." Came a voice from behind me.

Her husky voice, though quiet and low, sent a thrilling shockwave of energy throughout my body! I hadn't heard her come in.

"Don't look at me until I tell you to." She said as she walked closer to me. The clack of her heels on the stone floor giving her position away. In the surprise of it all, my cock stopped stirring and began to soften, almost as if it knew it must wait for permission as well.

"Yes mistress."

Suddenly the air in the room seemed much cooler and I began to shiver slightly. More from anticipation than from the cold and she noticed right away.

"Awww... Are you cold baby?" Then her tone changed to a lustful murmur, "Or are you just that happy I'm here?"

"A little of both mistress." I admitted.

She let out a low subdued laugh that sent additional shock-waves through my body and my cock suddenly quit behaving.

"Well" she said, "I'm very happy you're here. We're gonna have such a great time today. That is IF you do exactly what I say, when I say it. If you don't, I'll have a good time and leave you with nothing-Frustrated and desperate. Is that understood?"

"Yes mistress." I answered with a slight rasp in my voice.

"Good." She said moving close enough that I could feel the heat of her body on my back. "I'll rock your world if you're good for me baby." She whispered in my ear.

My cock began to strain against the thin fabric of my athletic briefs as I felt her hand touch my back.

"I like your muscles baby" she said and her hands moved around to my chest. She traced her fingers around my pecs and then lightly played with my nipples. "Mmmm and I can't wait to give these guys some focused attention!"

My breathing intensified as did my trembling as the excitement crackled in the air around us. She drew her hands back and I felt something cold and hard press against me right above the waistband of my briefs.

"Let's get a good look at you baby. You aren't going to be needing these for the rest of the day anyway." At that she pulled my briefs out away from my body and proceeded to cut them off me. As they fell away, my cock fell heavily as well, bouncing as it reached it's full potential. She grabbed my ass with both hands and began to squeeze as she whispered in my ear. "Your cute ass is mine today baby." Then she began to dig her fingernails into my butt and said, "I'll make sure you don't forget!"

I groaned as she released her grip and softly kneaded my cheeks with one hand while the other hand cupped my butt and began sliding slowly down between my legs - excruciatingly slow. She continued the motion, reaching my balls first and then my shaft as she proceeded to grab both in a firm grip that stopped just short of being uncomfortably painful.

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