19: alondra

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I didn't show up the next morning for skating.

Then I skipped the game.

And Halloween.

Pritchett pushed me to try and come out with them, but I didn't feel like going anywhere. We ended up staying in watching scary movies, which I appreciated.

I also ignored all Jack's calls and texts asking if we could talk.

I did however respond to Ruby when she asked if I was okay. Said I was fine but that I wasn't ready to talk to Jack yet.

And the time away from Jack did nothing to clear my head.

I'd been debating all morning if I was going to go to class where I know I'm going to see him, but I still felt like curling up in a ball when I got to class. He wasn't sitting in his normal spot with me and Keri. He's back where his groupies sit almost like he'd never left them in the first place.

We make eye contact and I turn away to go up the auditorium stairs towards where Keri is waiting with wide eyes. "Hey girl, you okay?" She asks carefully and I shrug, glancing down at my outfit.

My sweatpants and sweatshirt isn't as subtle as I thought it was.

"All good."

"Did something happen between you and Jack? He's sitting over there-"

I plop into the seat next to Keri, cutting her off while I get my stuff out of my bag. "We're fine."

"Okay then," She hums and I try to sink low into my seat.

The lecture is long and I spend most of it more focused on avoiding looking at Jack than I do on the actual class. I'm used to passing notes with Jack or exchanging little side glances.

I feel mentally drained by the time we're dismissed that all I really want to do is get some of my homework done now so I can get a nap in later. I'm supposed to hang out with Margot at some point today though.

Part of me thinks that Jack might try and come talk to me, but he doesn't. I'm not even really upset with him. I'm just embarrassed. I hadn't planned on telling him about that night, much less asking Jack if he was happy I did afterwards. I didn't want everyone to know either. Ruby and Dylan aren't idiots. I'm sure Dylan already suspected something. Hell, for all I know Jack could have told them everything after I left.

I also realized after the fact that I probably shouldn't have brought up jail and what not because of his dad, but what am I supposed to think? I don't want Jack to jeopardize his future over something that doesn't matter.

The more attention Grady is given, the more he's going to do.

He's never been quite so bold before in public so I'm guessing that he was drinking and the combination of me and Jack caused him to lash out.

The little bruises from his touch are proof of it.

They don't hurt anymore; they're just a little tender to the touch but they'll be gone in a few days.

With my keys and pepper spray gripped firmly in my hand, I start the walk back to my dorm. It's weird being by myself, but I did tell Jack to leave me alone. I didn't think he'd really listen because he never had before, yet Jack is staying away.

Maybe it's for the best.

Taking a step back should help keep us as just friends because I'm starting to realize that maybe Pritchett and Margot were right. The lines are starting to become blurred with us. I've been acting like I'm his girlfriend and he's been acting like my boyfriend without any of the benefits as Pritchett would put it.

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