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The dimmed light shining off the wooden floor was the first thing Jimin's eyes connected with a he stepped through the front door of his home and stepped onto the small rug that welcomed him inside. Closing the door, he instantly slipped his feet out of the rather uncomfortable shoes he had to deal with all day, the soles of his feet burning as his bare feet landed on the cold floor.

He turned, slipping off his dress coat and hanging it on the coatrack next to another coat. After quickly adjusting the position of his shoes on the floor, he sighed loudly and briefly closed his eyes, embracing the usual cold air of his home.

The long day had left Jimin staying at Hybe's headquarters for hours upon hours after the project had already been executed. Even after all those countless work hours, he insisted he stayed and help out through the night, but his countless pleads were rejected by his boss.

When he had entered his car after the long day, the sun had already retreated from the sky, welcoming its sibling, the moon, into the sky. He realized then that there were more important matters to attend to away from work.

Walking forwards, Jimin's nose was welcomed with a heavenly, sweet smell.

When he spotted a shadow from around the corner of a wall, he stopped in his tracks, simply looking ahead for it to reveal it's form. Jimin's tired eyes drooped slightly, but a soft smile was present on his lips as his eyes connected with another pair.

Within moments, a pair of secure arms surrounded him and engulfed him in a hug. Leaning forward, Jimin just barely dangled his arms around his lover's waist in return of the long needed action.

"Welcome home, baby." The voice caused Jimin to close his eyes, feeling a sort of warmth and comfort at the sound. He could listen to that voice all day, and not a single moment would he be annoyed or irritated.

Jimin hummed in response, tucking the curve of his nose into the crook of the other's neck. "I missed you."

The two had lasted through a dreaded four day long separation. Jimin's project had required a mass amount of traveling, speaking at press conferences, and meeting people from all over the world who came to South Korea just to see him. Jeongguk too, of course, but when it came to questions and curiosity, Jimin had every answer they needed. The last few weeks before the project were full of hectic, schedule filled days that he couldn't afford to miss.

So he had to wait a long, long 108 hours to be where he was now, in his lover's embrace, once more.

Jimin sighed deeply when he felt a hand run up and down his back, as though the latter had sensed his stressed mind.

He lifted his head up, meeting eyes with his one and only, and could only smile at the sight he was met with. Jimin could swear with his life, that everytime he saw that dimpled smile the frown on his face would always turn upside down.

The only he could do was connect the two smiles.

His arms snuck up, his hands contacting with the back of latter's neck while the other's arms wrapped around his slim waist. They were like a puzzle, without the other they would never be complete. Moments like this only secured their peices together even more, creating an indestructible masterpiece.

They swayed back and forth, like a made up melody was playing in back of their minds as their lips disconnected, only to reconnect when Jimin tugged the collar of the other's shirt down. Jimin could go on for days a about how much he loved the lips he kissed, the way he was touched ever so gently and treated with unforgettable, pleasurable care.

After their short moment, Jimin slowly retreated his lips from the other's, already missing the feeling. "Hyung?"

"Hmm?" The other responded, pulling Jimin's drifting body closer to his, the shorter man lightly gripping his biceps.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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