A choice and the ultimate battle

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It had been over 6 months since the mission in the sewers and Y/N could not stop thinking about Rosa. His pokemon could see this and they wanted their trainer to be happy but didn't know how. Rosa was in a similar state but it wasn't just her pokemon that were worried but her brother Nate and her friend Hugh were all worried about because they too wanted her to be happy but didn't know how to help her.

Today was just the same as Y/N kept foiling team plasma's plans:the shadow triad and the seven sages were all imprisoned as the only members were about a thousand grunts, himself and Ghetsis. For Rosa she had just defeated Iris for her seventh badge(After Y/N beat her she took over the gym as Drayden retired) she and Nate were with each other on their way to opelucid City while Hugh stayed back to train a bit more. She was still thinking about Y/N and how she wanted to see him again. She only saw him sometimes while team plasma was doingsomething but those times and everytime when he wasn't there(or so she thought because secretly he was there hiding in the shadows)the grunts would be arrested by the international police and cutting down the members everytime.

However, Ghetsis began to catch on and figured out that Y/N was a double agent. He had already captured and manipulated kyrem without Y/N finding out which helped him figure out it was Y/N. He then decided if Y/N didn't leave the international police and continue to foil his plans, then he would have to eradicate him.He told him to go meet him at the white ruins to have a talk about what to do about the situation with the decreasing numbers of members. But in reality he staged an ambush with the remaining members.

Y/N was riding on Ace as he was not only thinking about Rosa and N, he was also thinking that this was a clear ambush as he called Looker and about a thousand international police and Looker with his croagunk and meowstic were ready to defeat team plasma. He also decided earlier with his team that if this was an ambush then he would have to use keldeo and mega Zoroark. Alongside them Looker had asked the three trainers, Rosa, Nate and Hugh, to help out. They arrived at the battle field.

Ghetsis:Y/N I am going to cut right to the chase. I know you are a double agent for the international police so I will give a choice, my son. Join me and leave the international police or force me to have to eradicate you.

Y/N and his partner Masquerade were beyond mad

Y/N:Old man I don't think you have the right to call me son. And as for joining you I would rather die than have to help you.
That last statement brought tears to Rosa's eyes as she knew that she loved him but couldn't bear to see him die.

Ghetsis:Then you leave me no choice
Ghetsis snapped his fingers as the remaining grunts appeared and sent out all their pokemon. The international police then came out and Y/N was shocked to see Rosa, the girl constantly on his mind, was here to help fight. Everyone then sent out their pokemon as Ghetsis and Y/N sent out their legendary and mythical pokemon.
The Hypnotised Kyurem and Keldeo

The Hypnotised Kyurem and Keldeo

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Everyone were shocked to see that Y/N had Keldeo

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Everyone were shocked to see that Y/N had Keldeo. The battle began with all the pokemon knocking one another out, only international police and grunts had pokemon fainted as Looker, Ghetsis, Y/N, Rosa, Nate and Hugh didn't lose any. The battle kept raging until Y/N had to put an end to it.

Y/N:Keldeo and Masquerade time to so them our true strength.Keldeo become stronger with secret sword and change form(I know that in the games you need to teach it that to change form but this keldeo is special as it just needs to use the move to change) Keldeo's horn began to glow as its body glows a similar blue to that if an evolving pokemon as it transformedinto its resolute form.

Keldeo become stronger with secret sword and change form(I know that in the games you need to teach it that to change form but this keldeo is special as it just needs to use the move to change) Keldeo's horn began to glow as its body glows a simil...

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Then Y/N touched a button on his headphones as it began to glow and react to Masquerade's necklace.

Y/N:You the one who has the power to defy the laws of nature. Shroud this world with the darkness our mass power produces. The world shall see our true power with mega evolution.
As Y/N says this his partner begins to get overwhelmed by the yellow lights produced by the button on Y/N's headphones and begins to change form.

 As Y/N says this his partner begins to get overwhelmed by the yellow lights produced by the button on Y/N's headphones and begins to change form

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Y/N:Now use night daze and secret sword now
Both pokemon executed the attacks as everyone just stood there astonished by what Y/N just did. Not only did he have a mythical pokemon but he also had an unknown mega evolution.

Ghetsis:No matter what I will persevere. Now kyurem use outrage!
He shouted but the legendary was attacked by the two pokemon owned by the unknown champion.
The battle raged on as it was now only Ghetsis, Y/N, Looker, Rosa, Nate and Hugh left with pokemon but the legendary was bearly standing. One more attack by keldeo was enough to take it down and broke Kyurem out of its Hypnosis.

Ghetsis:What but how?!
Ghetsis was then apprehended. But before anyone could leave Kyurem got infront of Y/N.

Y/N:What's wrong don't you want to go home?
When he finished his sentence the legendary motioned to one the champions pokeballs.
Y/N:You want me to catch you?
The glacier dragon nodded as Y/N had a smile on his face and threw a pokeball at the legendary and captured him.
(Moveset:Glaciate,outrage,dragon dance and rock slide. Everyone was happy that Kyurem was now with a trainer that would give him the respect and love he deserved.

After that event the group along with the officers went back to opelucid City as the former evil team were now in jail and Y/N released Volcarona so that he could help protect relic Castle.

Before they left Rosa and Y/N had a talk together where Y/N was going to ask her to be his girlfriend.

Rosa:So Y/N what did you want to talk about. Rosa looked towards the trainer as he had a nervous look to his face.

Y/N could hardly believe what he was about to ask. He had butterflies in stomach. He faced multiple legendary pokemon and just took down an evil team but this was the hardest thing he has ever done in his entire life.

Y/N:Well ever since I met you in Castellia Town and every other encounter that we had, I could never stop thinking about you. Your wonderful personality and your cheerful attitude were what helped me with continuing on with this mission. So I guess what I wanted to ask was if you would be my girlfriend?

Rosa had tears of happiness in her eyes as she had wished for this day for so long. Ever since she first me she knew that her feelings for him were real and now at this moment her dream was a reality.

Rosa:Yes Y/N I will be your girlfriend

The two shared a passionate kiss then went back to opelucid City pokemon centre as Y/N told the two boys about their relationship and about how he was the champion. The two boys were excited and happy about the couple getting together and the fact that they were friends with the regions champion. They were excited about their adventures.

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