Chapter 7

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October 23rd 2012- London

Erika wondered the hallways aimlessly as a puff of smoke. "They have some pretty dangerous weapons, right?" she asked herself. "And one of them may be able to kill me!" She found herself by the cafeteria. I am pretty hungry, she thought. A snack wouldn't kill me; actually, nothing will.

She reverted to her human- elfin form where she opened the creaky doors. She inhaled the savoury smell of what was supposed to be their dinner: meatballs and mashed potatoes. She vaulted over the counter and opened the warm pot. She grabbed a spoon and dug in, her face lighting up with joy.

"Glad you're enjoying it." Erika turned around to see Lucía standing behind her. She shoved another spoonful of food into her mouth, making sure to thoroughly chew through it. "You know that's poisoned, right? It was a trap. For you."

"I know!" Erika chirped with her mouth full. "It hurts my insides a little, but the poison makes it taste even better!"

Lucía chuckled. "I know you're lying. That poison kills anything. By now, it should have already eaten the walls of your throat."

Erika ate another spoonful. "Do I look like I'm dying?" She swallowed again before closing the lid. "That really hit the spot," she said patting her belly.


"I'm not scrawny! I'm svelte!" Lucía inspected her. The dumb idiot girl didn't seem to be dying, at least not anytime soon. "Well then! Let's have a talk, shall we?"

Adeline's sword wouldn't hold on for too long. She clutched it tightly as she quietly went down to the lab to get her phone and back. Bingo! she thought. As she headed down, she found several students being led into the train that was hijacked originally by the girls. She ran to the lab and got her phone, before sprinting back to get on the train, only to be too late. Rats. Now I have to wait for the next one. She checked the time on her phone. Just under two hours. I could do this.

She waited in the lab for ten minutes, knowing that the next train would be a while away. She let her sword charge as she waited, reverting to her human form. She called Cecilia. "How's it going on your end?"

"Quite well," she replied. "I've barricaded ourselves in here and- one second." She could hear struggling on the other end, along with muffled screams. "Erika seems to have engaged in a heated argument with Lucía."

"And how would you know?"

"Max and I connected her laptop to my computer in the lab. You should be able to access it from there."

She walked to the computer and slowly began typing things. "And what exactly am I finding."

"The canteen security."

"And you have access to this, why?"

"To be on the lookout."

Adeline sighed. "Fine." She watched as the video showed her the action.

"I'm not scrawny! I'm svelte!" she heard her say. "Well then, let's have a talk, shall we?" She pulled out a chair and sat on it. She patted the seat next to her. Lucía kept on standing. "Angry grouch," she mumbled. "So, what do you want to know? I'm willing to give any reasonable answers."

"Tell me about your powers," she demanded. "Your immortality to be exact."

Erika smiled devilishly. "Fine. But could ya stab me? In the gut? With something that's bound to kill me." Lucía did as she was told, creating a poisoned knife. She stabbed her and she flinched. "That's the stuff." She pulled out the knife and watched blood poor out. "Hmm... Okay. How much do you know about me?"

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