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Friday July 9th, 10:00: Gangnam residents are evacuated.

10:40: The President is flown out of Seoul by helicopter.

10:54: Barricades are put up around the city.

11:05: Cell service is cut to residents of Seoul.

11:37: Seoul is declared under indefinite quarantine.

11:42: Biohazard sirens activated.

18:13: The screaming stops.

Saturday July 10th, 1:01: All electricity within the city goes out.

1:15: Ally acquired.

2:09: First encounter with the infected.

2:13: Surivived first encounter.

2:56: Weapons obtained.

3:39: A plan is formed.

4:02: First kill.

4:45: Government corruption uncovered.

4:49: Hope is lost.

5:20: Plan B is put into action.

5:46: Quick nap.

6:06: Suffered minor gunshot wound.

6:51: Broadcasting live.

7:04: Broadcast successful.

7:39: Falls asleep.

10:51: Service is reactivated within a five kilometer range of the barricade.

13:06: Apparent stalemate.

13:18: Safe.

13:26: Quarantined.

Monday July 12th, 12:07: Takes up residence in Busan.

21:49: Cell service and power are returned to Seoul.

Thursday July 15th, 6:30: Teams dispatched to eliminate the infected.

Saturday July 17th, 23:03: Remaining living residents of Seoul are evacuated.

Monday July 19th, 2:24: Entire city is disinfected and clean up begins.

8:10: Police investigations begin.

Wednesday July 28th, 14:48: Seoul is deemed livable again.

15:06: Barricades are taken down.

15:37: Residents begin to return home.

Friday July 30th, 9:30: Trials begin in court.

16:28: Numerous government officials, soldiers, police officers, and employees of medical company Trinadex are charged and jailed for negligence, fraud, falsifying documents, etc..

Everyday: Life goes on.

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