chapter 5: I am in wat?? love?????

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*continuation of Aizawa and Mic's conversation*

"Aizawa~~in love with joke!!"
"Huh. Stop blabbering..."
"Oh really!! Well tell me more!!"
"About what?!"
"Of course about your love life!!!"
"*Sign* I'm going home and sleep. *Started to walking*"
"Hy!! Wait tell me and go!!"

*Hwooo (sfx)... Aizawa left*

Aizawa pov

I'm in love?? Is that even possible?? I don't like to laugh and I'm no good with feelings... I never knew what is love so how do I know I love her or not.... Hope this feeling won't disturb my life...
What will Joke think of our relationship?
she will smile and hide her feelings. So, it's a bit complicated to think about what she is really feeling.... I gotta talk with her about this... And importantly I'll tell her what's going through my mind!!
By the way tomorrow is Sunday so, why don't I invite her to my house.. to have a talk...
I'll message her..


Emi Fukukado


Hyy Eraser!!
What's up

I gotta talk to you
Are you free tomorrow
Let's have dinner if you want

Yea! Sure!!
But talk about what?

You will know after you come.


Then bye


End of the chat

What should I cook tomorrow night...

Emi's pov

AHHHHH!!!! Dinner!!! Aizawa!! What dress should I have to wear!!!
Maybe I should try something in black colour since he likes black colour!!

*Next day night*

*Ding dong*
"*Opens door and eyes widened* oh h-hey, Joke! Come inside."
"H-Hy Eraser!!" Damnnn I don't expect thiss !! He looks very cool and hot in this suit!!!

""H-Hy Eraser!!" Damnnn I don't expect thiss !! He looks very cool and hot in this suit!!!

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(Aizawa's current suite)

(Aizawa's current suite)

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(Joke current outft)

"Y-your dress looks cute and.. nice!"
"Oh really!! Thanks you!! And you looking super cool in this suit!!" Yeaaa he likes itt!!!
"O-oh thanks! *Slight blush*"
*Aizawa moved her chair so that she can sit comfortably.*
"Oh thank you! You are so sweet today haha.."
"Oh *he made himself sit comfortable*"
"what is today's dinner!!"
"Sangiovese: Pasta Bolognese"
"Oh really!!!! That's my favorite dish!! It looks so good And it's Italy dish, how did you made it!!"
"Not that hard! But hope you will like it. Try eat it."
"*She tasted it* yummyyyyyy!!! Hyyy really you will make a good wife!!"
"Oh really that's good."
"So what do you want to talk about!?" I wonder what he wants to talk about?
"Uhmm *scratches his back head* well, I just wanted to know Something..."
"Oh? What is it?"
"Well... What do you think our relationship is?"
"Oh... Actually I'm not sure... After did it with you.. I don't know what I'm to you. And I'm well aware of that you are not good in showing feelings... But still to make my heart some kind of satisfied I decided myself that we are friends with benefits until you tell me what we are! Haha.. I sound kind of like stupid right!! Haha.."
"Same goes for me! I don't know what we are but I don't want to let you go or don't want to sleep with others..*slight blush*"
"Eraser yo-"
"You can call me by my name when we are alone."
"O-ok! Shota, you are blushing *blushing*"
"Same goes with you!"
"By the way Emi, I told Mic that we slept. Then he asked me many questions and he told me I'm in love."
"You???!!" Aizawa actually stammering!!? Who the HECK do he loves??

Aizawa's pov

Ahh is she stupid!!? I told her clearly that I'm in love. But she asked me "who it is". Just how more worst it can be!
And saying "I am in love with you" is freaking hard!!!!! How the heck can I say that!! I don't know why I want to say this but I can't stand with friends with benefits.. it feels kinda off..

"Shota, hurry and tell me who it is?? I'm so curious and it's soooo big news that you fall for someone!!"
"S-stupid !! I am in love with y-you..." I finally told!
"Oh - OH - OHHHHHH WITH MEEE????????????? *She got off of her chair with a super surprise on her face.*"
"Y-yea stupid! But I have never been in love and I don't know how love feels in romantic way. But... *He got off the chair, walked closer to Emi and cares her cheeks.* You are only mine and mine! You are the only thing I won't give up on! You said I'm cool then anyone but for me... you are very very important!"
"*Blushing as fuck and her cheek is on fire* S-so what are we now!???!"
"Well..... Emi .....Will you date me?"
"Shota and me? Dating????????? *She.. passed out.*"
"E- Emi????" Huh? Why did she passed out? Geez, she still looking beautiful!!! Should I have to take her to my bed? Guess no helping it!

*After 10 mins*

*Emi slowly opening her eyes. And shota sitting on a chair right next to her *
"E-ERASER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Still blushing*"
"Yea, I'm right next to you so don't need to shout."
"E-Eraser.. can you repeat what you said earlier!?"
"Huh. No, I won't."
"Please *puppy face*"
"Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please-"
"Fine... But you have to kiss me if you want me to repeat!"
"What!? Okay.."

*He lean closer to her and she closed her eyes and trying to get a kiss from him. But he realised that she is closing her eyes and he started to moke her by getting far and seeing her face lol!!*

"*Emi opening her eyes a little to see why she still hasn't kissed him.* Geez, don't moke meee!!!"
"*Smirking* but that was fun!!"
"Geez stop mo-"
"I'm in love with you *A rare gentle smile from Aizawa* So, will Emi date me??!"
"Wahhhhh, suree!! of course!!! I have been waiting for this!!!!!"
"Okay, then let me kiss you!! *Kissed her without hesitating*"
"I love Shota too!*blushing as fuck*"
"*Slight blush* I know, dummy"
"W-who is dummy!!?"
"Of course it's you!"
"Then you are dummy's boyfriend haha so that makes you a dummy too!!"
"Yea! But unexpectedly this dummy looks so hot and cute."
"Oh my dummy is going to be punished for being so hot and cute at the same time. *He pushed Emi to the bed and kissed her*"
"Don't worry I'll be gentle tonight!! *Kissed her again*"

To be continued..

Thank you all for reading this story!! Hope you all enjoy it!!

Aizawa x Ms. Joke!! (fan made) BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now