10th Grade pt.2

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[you guessed it THIRD PERSON]

Parker:Chester listen.....no matter what I will always be here for you. I will never leave you even through the toughest times!

"Thank you~" was all Chester said before falling asleep in Parker's arms.Parker smiled at Chester.A few moments later the bell rang. Parker quickly woke up Chester and they ran to the bus. Since they where out for
Christmas break Parker invited Chester to his house for the 3 weeks they where out. If you are wondering what happened in those 3 weeks here you go!

Parker:I'm so happy that you came for Christmas break. We can finally spend time with each other without being attacked by people.
Chester:Me too!
Paisley(Parker's 4yr old little sister):PARKER! PARKER!
Parker:Yes paisley?
Parker:I don't know just tell me and please stop screaming
Paisley:Oki! Mommy said I get to go see Santa tomorrow!
Parker:Oh really?!
Parker:Is that it?
Paisley:yep! Bye bye Parker and Parker's friend!
Paisley:Wait! What's your name?
Chester:My name is Chester.
Paisley:I like your name!
Chester:Thank you I like yours too!
Paisley:Your welcome and thank you! oki that's it bye now!

Paisley closes the door and goes god knows where.

Chester:Your sister is so sweet!
Parker:Ohhhhh really
Chester:She's a demon when you get to know her?

They both start laughing

Chester:Your so cute.
Parker:So are you.
Chester:Well your cuter!
Parker:No you are!
Chester:No you are the cutest!

Parker quickly & playfully grabbed Chester from behind and pulled him back to where they where laying together.

Parker:No you are. And we will sit here till you admit it.
Chester:Guess we will be here forever!
Parker:Guess so!

They lied there for about 15 minutes and then Chester ended up falling asleep.Parker decided to play with his hair. About 30 minutes later Chester woke up.

Chester:Your still holding onto me?
Parker:why would I let go?
Chester:I don't know just wondering.
Parker:Maybe because.....never mind.
Chester:Awww come on what where going to say.
Parker:I can.
Chester:Aw bro come on I know your weren't going to say that.
Parker:Fine.....maybe because I love you as a friend.
Chester:Just a friend? Orr~
Parker:Turn around dummy.

As soon as Chester turned to face Parker he kissed him. They made out for about a minute then stopped.

Parker:does that answer your question?
Chester:Yes *Giggle*
Parker:I love you stupid.
Chester:I love you dummy.
Parker:I love you more.
Chester:Don't make me punch you.

They both started laughing.

Parker:Wanna watch a movie?
Chester:Sure, nothing scary though please.
Parker:ok ok I won't

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