
10 1 1

She watched the others.

They danced, they drank and slept around.

Her heart ached for those who lacked solid ground.

It was more than just a phase.

Their hearts were punctured,

Their spirits held wounds.

They passed the bounds,

In search of feeling safe and sound.

Building a tower,

As they are burning it down.

Living the life,

Not knowing they are throwing it out.

She saw them all,

With their happy masks on.

She counted the seconds,

For when they'd fall. . .

Adults say,

"Teens these days."

If only she could speak her mind and share the raw truth of their side.

Hey, everyone!
It's been a while, huh? Im tryna get back into the swing of things, now that everything has died down for a bit. But it'll take me a bit before I can be considered active XD

Lemme know your thoughts about this poem :) And about how you guys are doing!<3

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