Chapter 1

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When your heart's on the edge,
Barely hanging on like a midnight cigarette.

* * *

Nobody knew what was happening in Tony Stark's mind when he said that he wanted an expo especially when his company was on the verge of bankrupcy. And it's not about legacy either or, as what Tony said, to resume what their father had started long time ago. And, of course, Pepper was the first person to disagree because she knows how Stark Industries is doing more than Tony ever did. And during the discussion, Rhodey kept quiet, though at first. He observed the situation before he dared to say his opinion aloud even though deep down, he knows he supports Tony. However, then Robin said that it was a waste of money and energy-- just like what Pepper said just a little calmer. Right there and then, Rhodey chose to side with her, resulting a death glare thrown at him from his best friend. Tony was annoyed and was extra annoyed when Rhodey decided to sided with Robin.

"Are you kidding me? We're best friends. I thought best friends are supposed to support each other," Tony said when they were alone. Both Robin and Pepper didn't want to hear any more of Tony's reasons so they left without telling where they were going.

Rhodey gave Tony a sympathetic look. "I know, but Robin and Pepper were right. With a status of your company right now, it's a waste of money and energy to do it."

"Really? Is this about them or about Robin? Because if I knew, this was all Robin, I'm going chop your head off." Tony chose to use his dominance voice on Rhodey, the one with all seriousness inlcuding the look in his eyes.

Rhodey felt his heart stopped when Tony warned him like that, though he quickly recovered from the threat like a true soldier. "No, Tony, this isn't about Robin." Both Rhodey and Tony knew he was lying.

Tony rolled his eyes at his best friend before continuing, "Anyway, I'm hosting Stark Expo no matter what."

"Didn't you hear what I said?"

"Yes, I heard. In fact, that was the reason why I'm hosting Stark Expo! It could help raising the bids, the money, the value to Stark Industries. Visitors have to pay for tickets, for shows, for theatres. All the fun games are just a game until they pay to play, then it's going to be fun."

That makes Rhodey quiet for a while, thinking and agreeing with what Tony said. Tony was right. His best friend was right, though he doesn't know how much money they will gain to cover up how much they've lost, but the thought of seeing people spending money on something you've come out for, was wonderful. But if there's anyone here who could advise them about money, it's Pepper. She's the one who runs Stark Industries unofficially for Tony.

"Come on, Rhodey." Tony slaps Rhodey's chest lightly. "You know I'm right."

Rhodey stared into Tony's eyes for a few seconds, thinking what he should say next. He knows he cannot deny Tony. He's also a young man who loves to have fun, but he also happens to be a smart man. If Robin knew he agreed with Tony--

Rhodey then shook his head and sighed, defeated by the look Tony was giving him: the hopes to have someone backing him up when the girls are against him. Rhodey knew how it felt to feel hopeless. The military taught him that. "Give me one of your Iron Man suits then we talk about the plans."

Tony almost smiled when he saw Rhodey speaks againt, but his face drops when he heard the request. He was honestly surprised with his best friend's request. "No. If you remember it correctly, you said you didn't want to be a part of it so now you live with it."

Rhodey laughed sarcastically at Tony. "Oh, so it's like that now, huh? One time, I didn't want to be a part of your big project, I can't be a part of it forever. Don't come looking for me to watch the sky for you next time, then."

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