Heartbeat ( Ch. 4 )

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Y/N = Your Name Y/L= Your Last Name

Sunghoons face lights up and he says "you know how to ice skate?" You smile and say "yeah I used to ice skate a lot before i got into your group but took a break after a family loss but seeing you when you used to ice skate made me want to ice skate again."

Sunghoon smiles and says "I'm glad you skate again. Do you have anymore skates in a bigger size?" You look over at the skate bin and point to it saying "yeah you can look in there for some." He walks over grabs his skates and sits next to you to put them on.

You both head to the rink and Sunghoon says "wow its been so long." You smile and say "will you show me some tricks?" Sunghoon laughs and says "but don't you already know most of them since you have been skating since you were younger as well?"

You nod your head and say "well yeah but its always fun to see you do them." You skate to the wall and watch Sunghoon ice skate as if he's skating on a cloud. Every movement he makes is perfect and looks so professional.

Sunghoon looks at you and says "do you skate for fun or do you learn routines?" You snap out of it and say "ah well actually I'm suppose to be practicing my routine but its to embarrassing dancing in front of another person who actually knows how to skate."

Sunghoon laughs and says "I wont or would never force you to do it but all I'm saying is I'd would really like to see it" with his eyebrows raised almost as if he's teasing you. You sigh and skate over to the sound system.

You yell across the rink and say "you cant laugh. Your the only person who will ever see this." You play the music and skate to the center of the rink. You hear the music and instantly start to skate.

As your dancing you feel his gaze watch over every single move you make. Every turn you make is almost perfect and every spin is precise. Coming up next is your leap through the air which your scared for but give it all you got.

You skate fast and leap doing basically splits in the air while landing on your right leg and spinning. You wrap it up and land in your ending pose. After you hear clapping and look over at Sunghoons direction and see him standing in shock.

You bow and skate over to him saying "the only reason I'm able to do that is because of how much I was pushed to." Sunghoon says "that was really good. I'm very impressed by that routine."

You laugh and then check the clock handing on the white wall to your right. Its already 6:30pm and dinner will be served soon. "Ah its almost dinner time. Since your staying here you can join me and my father for dinner" you say skating back to the locker room and Sunghoon following you.

"Are you sure that would be okay?" Sunghoon says to you as you both sit down on the bench and take off your skates. "Yes of course" you say while putting your skates in your locker. Sunghoon looks down at his clothes and says "what about my clothes, would I be able to wear these?"

You then say "oh just follow me and I can get someone to get you some clothes while you stay here." You and Sunghoon both go into the castle and you head to the door of your fathers study. You turn to Sunghoon and say "wait here ill be right back."

Sunghoon nods and you open the door saying "father which room is Sunghoon staying in." Your father looks up and says "oh the one across from yours. All the other rooms werent fully prepared and I figured since you to have become friends you would wanna be close."

You laugh and say "thank you but what about his clothes?" Your Father responds with "I already have some prepared in there. Dinner will be ready in a little so take Sunghoon to his room to get ready for dinner. You as well."

You nod and bow saying "I will thank you." You open the door and Sunghoon is standing there looking around at the pictures on the wall. You speak up and say "Sunghoon" and he turns around and your both facing each other.

You then say "I will show you your room and there should already be some clothes ready for you." Sunghoon nods and you walk him to his room. Your walking down the white hallway with tall walls.

You reach the room and open the door saying "this is your room. If you need anything my room is right across from yours." Sunghoon smiles and says "thank you your highness" as he walks into the room. Your face instantly turns red and you let out a laugh.

Sunghoon turns around and says "what is it, is there something on my back?" You smile and say "you don't have to be so formal. Just call me Y/N from now on Sunghoon." "Ah I'm sorry I didn't know if I was able to or not" Sunghoon says a little embarrassed.

You laugh and turn to your door and before you close it you say "I will see you in 30 minutes" and shut the door. You lean against the door and feel your heart beating fast in your chest.

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