Crush? ( Ch. 6 )

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Y/N= Your Name Y/L= Your Last Name

As your sleeping your waken up by a loud noise. Like a grunting noise coming from the halls. You get up and crack open your door.

The noise is getting loud and it's coming from Sunghoons room. You open the door and go in and see Sunghoon laying in bed tossing his head.

He's having a nightmare. You turn on a night light next to his bed and sit by his side. You grab his shoulders and softly but with a little force shake him.

You whisper his name to wake him up and his eyes open and he sits up panting. You look at him and say "hey it's okay it's okay."

You pull him in for a hug to calm him down as this is what your mother did when you were younger. You pat his back and say "your fine now."

Sunghoon lifts up slowly and looks at you and you say "lay down it was just a bad dream."

Sunghoon lays down and rests his head gently still looking into your eyes. You say "did you have a really bad dream?"

Sunghoon shakes his head and you smile and say "do you think you'll be able to fall back asleep?" Sunghoon shakes his head.

You say "here" while sitting near his head and run your hand through his hair. "My mother used to do this to me whenever i had bad dreams. It would always calm me down and put me to sleep."

Sunghoon then says "may i ask what happened to her?" You then breathe in and out and say "just sickness got to her."

Sunghoon says "i'm sorry Y/N." You then say "it's fine, my father is still here with me giving me the best life he can."

Sunghoon closes his eyes and falls asleep after 10 minutes. You sit their wondering whether to stay and "accidentally" fall asleep next to him or go back to your room.

You then think we'll he's leaving soon so might as well. You slowly lay down next to him and fall asleep.

The next morning you wake up seeing the sun shining through the window. You look over and see Sunghoon still sleeping.

You smile and poke his cheek then you see Sunghoon move and groan which makes you realize he's about to wake up.

Your immediate thought is to pretend to sleep and that's what you do. You close your eyes and Sunghoons eyes open.

He sits up and looks at you who is "sleeping" right next to him. He gets up and covers you up with the blanket and heads into the bathroom.

Your face red and hot and you don't know how to get out of this situation. You then hear the bathroom door open and close your eyes shut.

Sunghoon comes over and taps your shoulder saying "Y/N" in a soft tone. You pretend to just wake up and say "hmm."

Sunghoon speaks again saying "it's morning." You then sit up and look around. You look at him and stand up quick and bow saying "ah i'm sorry i accidentally fell asleep."

Sunghoon laughs and says "no no it's fine you helped me last night and i want to thank you for it." You look at him and smile and laugh saying "your welcome."

You both go your opposite ways and get ready for the day.

You both meet up at breakfast and sit with you Sunghoon and father.

You all sit down and eat. Your father says "Sunghoon the bridge has been finished and i'll have a carriage ready for you around noon."

You look at Sunghoon who looks at you then father and says "ah thank you sir."

After breakfast father hands you your schedule with nothing really on it till later on after 2pm today. You then exit the dining room and so does Sunghoon.

You and Sunghoon close the door and you say "do you wanna go for a walk?" Sunghoon nods and you both head out.

You head to the garden and walk around. You wanna ask him if you two can stay in touch but wouldn't that be awkward?

You the say "are you excited about going back home?" He looks excited and says "yes i've missed everyone a lot."

You smile and say "i'm kinda sad i was kinda enjoying having someone to spend time with." You look away and regret saying that cause of how embarrassed you are.

Sunghoon smiles and says "yeah, we should stay in touch." Your eyes widen as you didn't even have to be the one to say it. Your head over heels with joy and say "yeah i was gonna say the same thing."

Sunghoon hands you his phone and says "here you can put your contacts in." You grab the phone and put it in.

You hand it back and say "done." You then continue your walk and then it dawns on you. What are you to? Friends? Associates? Idol and fan?

You then think to hard about all this and Sunghoon glances over at you. He stops and you look back at him and stop as well.

"Y/N is there something on your mind?" Your ears go red and hot and you say "no no no i'm just thinking."

Sunghoon says "i'm sorry if i offended you by asking for your contact." You then say "oh no of course not i wanted to ask you the same thing it's just i was wondering if we're friends?"

Sunghoon starts laughing and you stare at him. Sunghoon looks at you and says "Y/N of course we're friends. You've helped me out in more ways then ever. Thank you for everything up until i leave."

You smile and then hearing the words "i leave" made you get sad. Sunghoon says "what is it." You then say without realizing "i don't want you to leave."

Sunghoons face gets red and he looks away. You then move your head to make him make eye contact with you but he looks away again.

You then say "why are you blushing." Your eyes widen and you say "huh do you like me?"

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