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When Sans woke up, he was surprised to discover that his younger brother hadn't woken up yet. Sans shrugged it off as being tired from being starved, and he headed down into the living room to watch static on the television. Finally, Papyrus' door opened as he stalked down, still in his pyjamas. Mutt followed close behind him, glued to his leg, refusing to leave his younger master.

"g'mornin', sleepyhead." Sans greeted, rubbing the top of his brothers skull fondly. Papyrus mumbled back a soft 'good morning' as he scratched behind Mutt's ears, who leaned into his fond touch. Sans stared at the dog, not saying anything, nor having any sort of emotion on his face. He glared at Mutt, just for a second, before standing up and whistling, calling Mutt to his side. Mutt, albeit grumpy, tore himself from Papyrus' side. Mutt hadn't even known the younger brother for a day, but if anything were to ever happen to him, he would murder that person. No hesitations. No questions asked. "c'mon, mutt. yer' gonna go huntin'."

Mutt chuffed in response, patiently sitting on his hindquarters in front of the door, waiting to be let out. Sans shrugged on his blue parka and grabbed his meat cleaver. He gave Papyrus an affectionate rub on the skull before standing behind Mutt.

"you even try to run away, yer' gonna be dinner. capiche?" Sans growled, harshly grabbing Mutt by the scruff on the back of his neck. Mutt growled in response; not a growl of refusal, but simply one of acknowledgement. He had already deduced that in this world, it was eat or be eaten. Even though Mutt felt like he was in his own personal hell, it was 10 times better than actually being dead, so he simply decided to play his cards right. Sans hummed in satisfaction before opening up the door, letting Mutt exit first. Sans called a quick "cya later" to Papyrus who was simply silent in return.

Closing the door behind him, Sans whistled for Mutt to follow him. The bloodthirsty duo trudged through the thick snow and into the deep parts of the forest. Sans suddenly stopped, causing Mutt to follow in his tracks.

"ight... listen here mutt." Sans said lowly, careful not to disturb the surrounding wildlife. "paps and i have been starvin' longer... i can tell by the meat on yer' bones. we get first meal, you get leftovers. sound like a fair deal?" Mutt simply stared at Sans' red and disformed pinprick, not moving nor breaking the silence. Finally, after a minute of tension in the air, Mutt leaned forward and licked Sans' index finger, a sign of peace and affection. Sans let out a silent breath of relief, patting Mutt on the head. "good, boy. i'll be waiting here, go. hunt."

That was all Mutt needed. He took off in a sprint, his nose picking up the scent of a deer. A doe, fawn, or buck? He'd find out when he caught it. Mutt weaved through thorned bushes and fallen down trees. He stepped over bones and newly laid eggs. He finally caught up to the scent, which had been running away. It seems they had caught onto him hunting them pretty fast, but not fast enough. It was a buck with beautiful antlers. The buck decided running was useless as he squared up to Mutt, his antlers angled right towards Mutt's head. Mutt growled, a warning telling the buck to "back down now before you die a painful death." The buck snorted in response, steam rising from his nose as he grinded his hooves into the dirt floor beneath him.

With a growl, Mutt sprinted towards the buck, narrowly dodging his horns. Mutt leaped onto the back of the deer, his claws digging into the other ones shoulders as he unhinged his maw, preparing for a deathly bite to the jugular. Mutt snapped forward, his jaws trapping the airways of the buck. The deer stuttered on his legs before completely collapsing, the life fading from his eyes. Blood pooled in Mutt's mouth, but he didn't let go for at least another minute. Whenever he finally unlocked his jaws and let the corpse of the buck fall to the ground did he finally lick his lips, lapping up the iron-like taste of blood which he, quite honestly, savored.

Mutt stood there for a few seconds, regaining his breath before grabbing the buck by the neck and dragging him off to Sans. It took a lot longer than he would like to admit. He had dead weight on him, quite literally, and he had chased the buck pretty far out. Soon, Sans came into view. Mutt barked, signaling Sans of his arrival. Sans looked rather pissed, but his expression faded into pure happiness when he saw the large buck. The deer had quite already aged past being an adolescent, you could tell he was an older animal. He had plenty of meat on his bones, even a little bit of fat.

"good boy!" Sans cheered, scratching Mutt behind the ears who had dropped the buck from his jaws a minute ago. Mutt simply sat there, appreciating Sans' praise. A twig snapped nearby, snapping both of them out of their carefree stupor. "i'll stay here. you check it out." Sans ordered. Mutt said nothing in response, mainly standing into a guard-like position, his fur on end. He snarled, a warning for the thing in the woods to show themselves. Either way, they would face certain death.

A large, fat rabbit hopped out of a berry bush. Mutt barked and pounced onto the rabbit, his jaws sinking into its tender flesh. Needless to say, the poor bunny died in an insant. Sans let out a bark of laughter as he slung the buck over his shoulder, carrying it like a sack of potatos.

"i'll tell ya' what, runt." Sans said, whistling to Mutt as they began walking back to the house, eager to show Papyrus what Mutt had hunted. "paps 'n i get the deer, you get the rabbit. sound fair?" Mutt simply chuffed in response, not being able to say much back with the rabbit still in his deathly bite. "do ya' want papy to grill it yp for ya'?" Sans asked. Mutt walked silently before shaking his head no. It would be too hard on his teeth, which were rather dull. Sans got the hint that he would rather eat it raw and simply hummed in response. The duo contently made their way back to the cabin, hungry for what they had caught.

"so... we got a deal?"

Mutt blinked in response.

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