Blast from the past

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Scarlett's P.O.V:
Carved in great detail in the stone was Atem. Also carved into the tablet was a girl who looked like me in ancient egyptian clothing. But that was impossible. This was made 5,000 years ago. Before Atem even knew me or Yugi. I was too focused on the tablet to hear the others calling my name. I didn't even notice my own body moving towards the tablet until my fingers where traveling over the ancient hyroglifics. After my fingers finished tracing the hyroglifics the tablet took on a brilliant gold glow. I don't know how to describe what I was feeling. But it was weird. It felt like my soul was being ripped from my body, but it wasn't painful just... strange. Time seem to slow as my spirt was pulled forward to the tablet. I called out for Yugi but my voice seemed to be distance. As I kept being pulled towards it my vision started to fade until it it all went black. I feel into the black abbess known as unconsciousness. What I could only guess was hours later I awoke. My arms and legs felt like someone kept poking needles into them. The second thing I noticed was there was sand as far as the eye could see. I knew then I wasn't in Japan anymore it looked like I was in Egypt and if I had to take a guess it was because of that tablet. It must of had some sort of magic inside of it. After a few moments the sting sensation in my legs and arms drew me out of my thoughts. My arms and legs were sunburnt. I had two choices sit and wait for help to come or go find help. I went with option B. Go look for help.
~~~~~~~~~Time skip...~~~~~~~~
If I thought I was sunburnt before now I really am. My arms and legs hurt like heck. My skin now was bright red. All I know is I've been walking all day and my throat is dry from dehydration. After walking more I see smoke in the distance. Seeing that I knew something was bad was happening and someone need help. Despite the pain I took off into a sprint. I've always been one to help others before I helped my self. I took me only a few minutes to arrive at the area I saw the smoke in. I stood there in complete shock. There was the village and it was on fire but that isn't what got me into this shocked state. It was the palace. How could that be I knew the tablet sent me to Egypt but... my thoughts trailed off, then my eyes widened because of my realization. The tablet sent me back in time. I was too lost in thought to notice someone riding a horse my way. It wasn't until he almost ran me over did I know he way there. When I saw him I knew him instantly. "Bakura!!!" He stopped at the mention of his name. He said something in a language I couldn't understand. If I had to take a guess he was speaking whatever language existed in Egypt during this time period and he wouldn't know how to speak Japanese or English. Well that makes things ten times harder. But there must have been some similarities between the languages because he stopped when I called his name or he could have just heard gibberish and came to investigate. Bakura was coming closer to me and looked enraged. I guess it was because I never answered what he said. But he suddenly stopped walking towards me and jumped back onto his horse. His horse took off faster than you could say duel monsters. I looked behind me to see why he left in such a hurry only to face the palace guards. "Great just great," I said. The guards gave a confused look to one and another then pointed their spears at me. "Shoot." I reached into my bag and grabbed my duel disk. It is very hard to put on a duel disk while dogging spears I tell you that much. I quickly shoved my deck in to it's slot and drew five cards. I looked at my hand. I had Darkstorm Dragon, Monster Reborn, Sword of Revealing Light, Kaiser Sea Horse, and Kuriboh. Monster Reborn would be useless right now, Darkstorm Dragon would send them to the shadow realm and so would Kaiser Sea Horse. That left me with Kuriboh or Sword of Revealing Light. I didn't want to see Kuriboh get hurt so then I knew which card I needed to play. "I activate Sword of Revealing Light." With that done I ran. That card will only last until I play three more turns. Once I made a fair enough distance from them I pulled three more card then turned off my duel disk. I put my deck in its holster attached to my belt. Now I finally was paying attention as to where I was running. I noticed I was right I front of the palace and it had at least a dozen guards guarding the front gate. All of them had a spear pointed right at me. "This day just keeps getting better and better," I said as they bound my hands behind my back and tried removing my duel disk. After the guards 5th failed attempt to get it off they just gave up and started pulling me through the palace. The guards hated me right now because when ever they said something I could not understand it so I didn't reply. After what felt like hours of walk through the long multiple hallway we finally came to our destination. If I guessed correctly it was the throne room. I must have been right because once we walked a little into the room I was forced down on my hands and knees. I lifted my head up to see him sitting on a golden throne. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes. It was him. It was Atem.

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