The Father

165 4 14

3rd person POV

Ed stared at Tamaki in shock. Live with him? That seemed to be a bit extreme to him, but if you asked the Host Club they would say that it wasn't extreme enough. He blinked, then blinked again. After he went through this cycle a couple of times, he finally croaked out "Sure...?" Tamaki grinned widely and started pulling him down the sidewalk, going on about how nice the place was, and how he had school tomorrow, and how he couldn't wait to go to the Host Club. Ed wondered 'What is a Host Club?' and kept walking along with Tamaki.

After a bit and a lot of words, they finally arrived upon a mansion. Ed looked at it in awe. It was bigger than the military building in Central! Ed blinked and looked at Tamaki, who was smiling, finding his reaction amusing. Ed just deadpanned at him and said "This isn't actually your house, is it?" Tamaki's smile just got bigger and he replied heartily "My dear friend, I actually live here! And I'll prove it to you now!" And started waltzing in as if he owned the place. Ed raced up to him, trying to stop him, but it was too late. Tamaki swung the door open and yelled dramatically "I'm hooommmmeee!~" about five maids and three butlers bowed before him and said "Welcome home, Mr. Suoh." Ed's jaw dropped. He eyed Tamaki suspiciously and said "Ok, for real, how much did you pay these guys?" Tamaki laughed as if it was a joke and replied "Just enough to keep them working for me." And waltzed in 'his' house further. As he passed one of the maids he said to her "Please make a guest room for Mr. Elric here. And please inform father that we will be having a guest and I would like to see him soon." She bowed and said "Yes, Tamaki-sama." And scurried off to complete her new tasks. Ed eyed Tamaki. They couldn't be joking if they called him -sama and these other things. (-sama is a Japanese suffix that is reserved for high ranking members. As in this case, she's a maid and he's her master) He came to the conclusion that this wasn't just a fraud, and Tamaki actually lived here.

Ed was snapped out of his musing when he heard a 'come in'. He realized he had followed Tamaki all the way to his fathers office, and that he was going to be faced with the owner of this huge house. Tamaki pushed open the doors and entered, with Ed trailing right behind him. They were faced with a mahogany desk, with plenty of papers on it, and a man with brown eyes and combed back brown hair wearing a white suit was. (Yuzuru Souh, he learned while musing) Yuzuru looked up from his papers at the blond duo, and blinked. He smiled at his son and his guest, and motioned for them to sit down.

Ed's POV

I took to my seat uncomfortably. I had to act nice in front of this guy, but when have I ever been nice to higher-ups? I mentally shook my head and focused back on the present. Yuzuru looked at me and said "Tamaki, who's your friend?" Tamaki put his hand out in front of me, palm side up, and replied, drawing his fathers gaze back to himself "This is Edward Elric, the boy who saved me from a couple of bullies." Yuzuru turned his gaze back to me and said "You helped my son out?" I nodded my head, thinking about only a couple of hours ago. Yuzuru smiled and said "Thank you." But then turned his gaze to Tamaki again and said politely, trying not to sound rude "Now, why did you bring him to our place?" Tamaki's back straightened and he replied "Well, I learned that Edward isn't from around here, and he doesn't have a place to stay. So I was wondering..." His father nodded at what his son was implying and turned to me, saying "So, Edward, if you don't mind me asking, where are you from?" I leaned back in my chair, and crossed one leg over the other saying "You might not believe me, but I'm from a city called Central (A/N He's saying this because he's guessing nobody has heard of Resembol) in a country called Amestris. Mr.Suohs eyebrows shot up and he whispered "Amestris...?" Ed blinked and nodded his head. Yuzuru blinked in return and looked to his son and said "Excuse me, but could you please leave us for awhile?" Tamaki blinked and nodded, then left the room. When Tamaki left, Yuzuru looked at me sharply. I looked back nonchalantly, not quite caring. He broke the silence when he said "Your not really from Amestris, are you?" I raised an eyebrow, and replied "You know where Amestris is?" He nodded and said "A man came a couple years ago, I wasn't supplied with his name though." I nodded back thoughtfully. It wasn't only me? I asked "Is he still alive? If he is, is he well?" Mr. Suoh only shook his head and said "I only learned about him after his death. You wouldn't be able to communicate with him though. He informed us that he lost his hearing after leaving Amestris." I nodded again, sucking in the information. Yuzuru folded his hands together and put his chin on the bridge his hands made, then leaned forward and said "So, would you like to stay here?" I blinked, taken by surprise, and replied quickly "I don't want to impose or anything!" Yuzuru only shook his head, and said "You wouldn't be imposing at all. I would greatly enjoy having a one-of-a-kind traveler in my home." I nodded, and came to the conclusion that we were at the end of the discussion, so I stood up to leave. Mr.Suoh stood up also, and offered his right hand to me, so I took his hand in my own and gave it a good shake. I could tell by Yuzuru's slightly enlarged eyes that he could tell that I didn't have a flesh hand. We stopped shaking and I made my way to the door. I was about to exit when I heard a "Could you please hold on for a moment?" I fought back a sigh and turned around, looking at the curious Yuzuru. He continued "I don't want to be rude, but could you please roll up your sleeve?" I nodded and took off my glove, then rolled up my sleeve, revealing my gleaming auto-mail arm. Mr.Suohs eyes got a bit wider and he asked "How do you move it?" I started redressing myself and explained "It's connected to my nerves, so when my nerve says 'move arm!' It moves like any normal arm would." Yuzuru nodded at my explanation and said politely "Ok, thank you for explaining. You can leave now." I nodded and left. There was a maid waiting for me outside the door, so when I popped out she said "Follow me." and left off somewhere. I followed quickly, not wanting to get lost. When we were done with all the twists and turns (and I swear, we went in a couple circles) we finally reached a door that she seemed satisfied with, and opened it, revealing the room. It looked like a hotel room, and it seemed prepped recently. I walked in and the maid behind me said "Your alarm on your alarm clock is on, so please don't be alarmed. If you need any assistance the room to the left of yours is Master Tamaki's. That is all." and left quickly. I suddenly felt the entire events of today come crashing on me, and my eyelids sagged. I quickly changed into the pjs I found in the wardrobe, and dove under the covers. I let my eyelids finally drag themselves all the way down, and I quickly fell asleep.


Soooooo tirrrrrred.

And it took fooorrrreevvveeerrrrrr...

Sorry for the wait!

Special Shoutout To:
You are the first commenter on this! Congrats and thank you for commenting! *pats on the back* Yeah!

Ivy: Be quiet, you'll scare them away with your craziness.
Me: *sweatdrops* I think we already have.




FMA and OHSHCDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora