Book Title:
MISS LALISA | liskookBook Author:
wnderlisBook Status:
CompletedBook Description:
in where jungkook promised to himself to not fall for any woman after his lover left until he met this one woman that makes him broke his own promisedoes promises really meant to be broke sometimes?
Book Sequel Title:
MRS JEON | LISKOOKBook Sequel Status:
OngoingBook Sequel Description:
"and if i tell you that little girl is yours?"Book Ships:
JinsooBook Rating:
10/10I didn't really liked the ending for the first book and was soo annoyed so I'm glad that there was a sequel. I'm hoping for a happy ending author-nim.
Book Recommendation (Bangpink/Blacktan/Blackbangtan)
FanfictionBangpink/Blacktan/Blackbangtan mostly: Liskook Jinsoo Taennie Jirose The ratings are from my own perspective (not really a serious rating) If you didn't notice I didn't vote or commented in any of this book, it's because I have read it all in my oth...