The path to a dream

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A leaf falling in the air.

Touching the ground

with ease.

From green to yellow

life to death.

A cycle of eternity.

Leaf - part of a living


Falling leaf - part of the

life cycle of a tree.



Power to strive

till the end.

An instrument

to survive.

Only those who

have unbreakable

will - Win.

The way

Road for a man of

honour and dignity.

A man who will never

stop his journey.

Warrior who


On the way

there are obstacles.

Overcome, get through them.

He may be lonely in his way

but he knows that he is right.

No one can prove that

he is wrong.


The way is a destiny.

A warrior chooses

his destiny on the road.

His choices, his thoughts,

everything shapes the destiny.

Sometimes he is unmotivated

but always remembers

the things he fights for.

The future.

The children of tomorrow.

He fights for peace.

His destiny is to

fight until the very end.

Until the end of his life.

The resolve

Resolve to continue.

To find friends

who are willing to stay

beside him.

No matter what he face.

To support.

Is he ready to leave everything

behind to search for his way.

To find others who are the same.

The resolve is something

that happens not for one moment

but for a lifetime.

Every time he asks himself

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