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This chapter is going to be a roller coaster so hold on to your hats 

Warnings: Transphobia, Yelling,
3rd pov 

After Freddie left Tori took off her binder. Having it on for ten hours wasn't good and she promised to herself that she would not do it again. She was going to take a shower, putting her binder on her bed under her clothes she went to the bathroom.

After her shower 

After Tori finished her shower she got dressed and went back into her room where she saw her parents sitting quietly

"Hey mum, hey dad. Can I help you?"

"What is this?" Tori's dad held up Tori's binder. Shocked Tori tried to say something not being able to her father continued

"Why didn't you tell us?" Her father questioned

"I'm sorry" Tori apologized

"You should be! What came across your mind that made you want to be transgender!? Those people are evil!" Tori's dad yelled at her

Tori had enough of her father evil talking about transgender people like that

"Just shut the fuck up!" Tori yelled

"What did you say to me Torrence Luck Tucker?" Tori's father asked angrily

"I said shut the fuck up! You don't get to decide who I am! I do and I decided I don't want to be a girl anymore" Tori snapped at her father

"That's nonsense! After all me and your mum do for you! You should be ashamed!"

"No HE shouldn't be ashamed of HIMSELF in fact I'm very proud of HIM for being who HE wants to be!" Tori's mother said stepping in front of Tori

"Really?" Tori asked shocked by her mother stepping in for her

"Yes of course my beautiful boy" Tori's mum smiled then turned to her husband "I'm very disappointed in you Robert, I thought you were a loving kind man but your true colors have shown and now I realize I have made a mistake marrying you"

"But Patricia" Tori's dad had lost and couldn't do anything

"No buts. We're getting a divorce" Tori's mother said turning to Tori

"Come on SON pack your bags. We're leaving" With that Tori's mother went into her room to pack leaving Tori's dad a shocked and crying mess

This was super fun to write ☺️ I'm thinking of making another story called Little singer where Tommy is a famous singer and nobody knows until one day. Also I have a title for this story now. Your reading
Different ~ Trans Tommy.
Drink water, eat food, and take care of yourself! Ily all

Different ~ Trans TommyWhere stories live. Discover now