Part4 - Astronomy tower

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Sorry for the delay i will try to update more sooner.


Regulus would often remember how things were earlier with his brother and him. Sirius protecting Regulus from their mother, taking the blame if Regulus made a mistake because he didn't wanted their mother to hurt reg. How Sirius would read him stories before falling asleep. How they played together and how they promised to always be together in any consequences. But it is said that never promise more than you can perform. He didn't wanted to lose hope that maybe things will mend between him and Sirius in future but at the end of the day Regulus knew they both were in the opposite sides of the war. Sirius always pledged to stand for what is right, stand by good, stand for those who didn't deserve to be treated wrong. He raised his voice for what is truth. On the other hand regulus held his head down and did what his parents asked him to, even if it was erroneous or it swallowed him deeply into his own regrets. He will not disagree that he find the dark lord fascinating but the dominance of the dark lord was dangerous. Joining them sounded captivating but their way of doing things was vicious. Ofcourse this was a bloody war nothing was going to be safe and everyone wanted to secure their loved ones.

All of this feelings were rushing in Regulus's mind, soft wind brushing through his cheeks making his soft curls tickle his eyes, his body feeling like a thin sheet of paper as he sat on the end his legs hanging down on the astronomy tower watching the stars making him think his body will give up any second and start to drift with the wind. Often if he felt depressed or sad which was always but he didn't like to think about that, he would come on the astronomy tower thinking that being on the height would drown all his sadness. But that's not how things work, atleast it helped to reduce the pain.

He heard someone coming. He turned to see James potter standing near the entrance as if he was not expecting someone to be on the tower this time. They stared for sometime after James finally spoke up.

"I'm sorry I didn't know anyone would be here".

As soon as James started leaving regulus stood up. "No I was just leaving you can stay".

James gave a soft nod and walked over to the railing his hands on it and looked at the sky.

"He cares about you", said James making Regulus stop on his track. He turned to see James still looking at the sky which confused regulus whether he was talking to him or if James was talking to himself.

"Are you talking to me"

James turned to face him. "No I have a mental illness of talking to the sky"

Regulus knew it was sarcasm. "Ohh.. I can't deny that maybe you do", shrugged Regulus.

James just breathed a smile. "I said he cares about you", James took a pause and continued, "Sirius".

Ofcourse James potter would think that 'the optimistic dolt' thought Regulus. Sirius would have just told his part of the story and made Regulus seem as a bad guy, he knew that from his own experience. But it didn't matter what potter thought about him, well it didn't matter what anybody thought about him because he was just tired of pleasing everyone and pretend to be what he was not.

"Why would you say that"?, Regulus asked simply.

"Because I'm his bestfriend and it was only you who he cared about in your family", shrugged James.

"Well now he isn't the part of the family anymore. He left". Regulus wanted to say 'he left me' but he didn't wanted James to know that it bothered him so much about Sirius leaving him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2021 ⏰

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