25. Why can't this musical be over yet?

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Zackey: I'm surprised you're not in the production

Me: That would imply I wanted to be in it to begin with

Zackey: You don't want to be in HSM's musical?

Are you kidding Zach? No. I was even offered a big spot in the original HSM and I didn't take it. Kenny asked if I wanted to play Sharpay pretty early on but I said no. First off, I can't act well, and second, I wasn't in love with the idea of playing an antagonist.

Me: I wanted to be NORMAL

Me: This would be like a permanent reminder of my old life

Zackey: Okay, that's actually valid

I better hope. Wait, hasn't the musical started yet? I mean, as much as I know Zach doesn't care about this musical, I feel like he would pay attention.

Me: Are you actually paying attention to the show or just plan on texting me the whole time?

Me: You do know your ex-girlfriend directed this show

Zackey: I plan to watch. But, presently, the national anthem is playing

You have got to be kidding me, Big Red. That kid is hopeless.

Me: I can't even...

Me: I labelled the buttons

Zackey: Then where are you?

Me: Far, far away

Understatement of the century. I am in the burned down theatre in the balcony, the only part that wasn't consumed by the fire in some way, shape, or form. I can't watch this musical, though. I could barely get through the original movie the first time because I kept pausing each time Zac was lip synching to Drew's voice.

Me: I am not watching this musical. I will probably either cry or get really angry

Zackey: You know, you could transfer to North High

As much as I should have expected that, I am still surprised he made the offer. Unfortunately, explaining my current high school transcripts led to a large bribe and a lot of shushed mouths.

Me: Tempting

Me: But I already can't explain my high school transcripts. I don't need another school looking into them

Zackey: You have a fair point. If you want, I can always pull strings and get you into North High's production

Dang, Zach. You are not backing down at all. It's a bit admirable, but it would be nice if I could say my age without feeling like I'm lying to everyone. That, in itself, would take months to resolve.

Me: As tempting as it sounds, I am technically thirty-two

Me: The max age any student can be is twenty

Me: I wouldn't want to get North disqualified

Zackey: You're too nice, but yeah being thirty-two is a bit of a problem

Zackey: You should get that all situated

Me: Not wrong there. Now, pay attention. I know the musical has started

Zackey: Absolutely

Zackey: But think about it

Oh, I will. But, where is even the right place to go? Secretary of State? The Federal Government? It's not like this is normal. This is some movie-level crap that doesn't actually make it into the script because what would you even do? Maybe, just maybe, my mom's been looking into this stuff. She's been on her computer quite a bit, but won't tell me what for. Pressing the call button on my slide phone, I hear two rings before it goes straight to voicemail. She declined my call.

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