Something's wrong Part 2

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Putting down your phone on the sat up in the bed and you went to the mirror to look at yourself. You look right now you don't care about only important thing was to talk with said what you said and you can't take it back.

You sure that he already worried himself to death.

Your mascara was eyes was puffy because of the crying.

After you washed your face ,you went down to talk with the have to but a part of you don't want to.

You slowly turn the key in the open the door.

As you went down on the stairs you stop when you heard the guys talking about you.

You stood in the bottom of the stairs. Pic: ( murphyhideawayDOTcom/images/loft-to-lrDOTjpg )

The couch was in front of the the guys didn't saw that you were there.

Kendall was sitting on Mia's was laying on this:

( i01DOTiDOTaliimgDOTcom/wsphoto/v0/657407863/Be-babyline-baby-toy-game-pad-game-blanket-crawling-blanket-fitness-rackDOTjpg )

and played with the love it because every time when she shake it ,it was had a rattling sound and her age the babies founds interesting the new sounds.

You smiled as you heard her cute laugh and saw her the rest of the boys expect Carlos sat on the was bend down to Mia.

Kendall:I love and know her but that's not is 's something behind this.I feel.

James: She had these times a few times so just give a little time for buddy?

Kendall:But what if something happened?She got hurt and she didn't tell me?

You have a 's true.

Something big and nobody knows about it.

What do you think?

What's her big secret? Review! ;) xx

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