The lost pacifier

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You give Mia a kiss on her cheek and you stand up.

Layla : Could you watch her while I make the bed for her upstairs?

They said : Yes!

Just as you made your way to the stairs Carlos suddenly start jumping like a little kid and ask you : Can I feed Mia this time,Please ?

He acting really crazy sometimes but you don't mind it.

Layla: Yes you can Carlitos!If you need help just ask Kendall.

You go up to Kendall and your's room.(They guys have their own room)

In the huge room there's a double bed ,beside a cute baby crib.(We bought when we found out we're having a baby,so we can come here with Mia too)

And also in the room there was a beige couch, a medium-sized cabinet and a brown wardrobe.

I took out Mia's bed sheets and I make the bed for her,and I put for her stuffed animal in the corner of the I want to went down I can't find Mia's pacifier.I looked in her suitcase but I didn't find it.I started worry.I runned down and I saw them watching (Mia love the show,she always starts kicking with her feet and clapping with her tiny hands ) Carlos was on the floor with Mia,James passed out on one of the arm chairs while Kendall watched Mia's reaction for SpongeBob,Logan was on his phone logged on twitter.

I'm sure they heard me cause they showed their heads up.I saw on Kendall's a worried look.

Kendall:What's wrong babe?

Layla:I searched everywhere but I didn't know where it is?Please say you know where is her favourite pacifier.

Kendall just smiled .But you didn't know why.

Kendall: On the way here I keep it with me incase she's want it.I left in the car I forgot to tell you.

YOu sigh of relief as Kendall go out to get Mia's pacifier.

Layla:Did you feed her?

Carlos:Yes,she was really hungry! he answers as you see she's half-asleep.

You wait till Kendall comes go over to you and Mia tries to grab her pacifier.

Kendall: Aww My little angel tired?:) and he caresses her face and he handed to her pacifier. Mia grab it with his small hands and put it in her mouths and lying on your shoulder with closed eyes.

Layla: Since this little girl didn't slept at night , she may really tired now.

You take her up to your's room and set Mia into her wrap the cover around her small body you as you look down at her how peacefully she sleeps

you grab the baby monitors and put one on the nightstand and turn it on while you take with yourself the other one.

After that you heads downstairs and put on the café table the baby monitor as you hears laughs from the kitchen you go in the kitchen and you surprised what you saw.

The guys making and Kendall cooking lasagna while James and Logan set the saw you and said that they make it instead of you ,now you don't need to deal with it you sit you guys had lunch you started a small talk about what you doing really wanted to surf so you agreed that you go to the beach after Mia's nap time is over.

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