Daddy!Kuroko x Mommy!Reader - A Reason (REQUESTED)

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Requested By: Amazing_Tsubaki

"Mommy, mommy, how did you fall in love with daddy?" your little daughter questioned watching you reading.

"Why do you ask Izumi?" you asked hiding your face behind your book trying to cover your blushing face.

"Because, I want to know, pleaseeeee," she pleaded "how did you fall for daddy?"

"Yeah how, I'd like to know too," your phantom husband said making you jump.

He took a seat next to you and put Izumi on his lap. They both looked at you curiously with poker faces.

"Umm well, I-I'm not telling!" you said huffing and crossed your arms and went back to your book.

"So, mommy dosen't love daddy,"Izumi said tearing up.

"(Y/N) dosn't love me?" Tetsuya asked,"I'm hurt."

You watched your daughter who was trying hard not to burst into tears, and your husband who had his hand over his heart and gave you a hurt look.

"You two, fine fine I'll tell."

Tetsuya rested his head on you lap and Izumi sat on top of him, and they both stared at you.

"Well, it all started in middle school."


The blunette boy was sitting by himself eating lunch and you were watching him from far.

Suddenly he looked you way and you two made eye contact, he gave you a small smile making your heart skip a beat.

"(L/N)-chaaannn! Your all red are yo- oh oh OH," your best friend smirked and poked your cheek,"soooo Kuroko hmmm."

"Ehh what are you talking about, eat your food, your not making sense," you said blushing even more.

"Well I guess he is kinda cute and smart, plus he plays for the basketball team, he's absolutely perfect," your friend said teasingly.

You never felt nothing like this in the world before.

You continued to watch him from far. When you all graduated you were worried you'd never be able to see him ever again.

Coincidentally you and Kuroko both got in to the same school.


"I found the courage to confess and I confessed and we dated and Tetsuya proposed and we had a little daughter and named her Izumi, the end,does that answer your question?" you ended and sighed.

"I guess, is that how it will be for me?"

You were about to answer when Tetsuya shot up.

"No," he wrapped his arms around Izumi.

"You still have a long time, but for now you are our little baby girl," you giggled and Tetsuya's protectiveness.

"No," Tetsuya pouted and wrapped his arms around you bringing you closer and laid his head on your shoulder.

Kuroko Tetsuya x Reader - One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now