A/N: Ok, I might just refer to everyone by their names because it'll be easier.
Also, part of this chapter will include a new headcanon about Blue: that he has coulrophobia, the fear of clowns.
I'll just put a content warning for clowns and other scary stuff. If you're scared of clowns or are easily spooked, this chapter may not be for you. Most of it should be fine until the end.
I really hope this isn't too graphic.
Well, I got banned from that last lobby. I guess it happens sometimes, especially when the host is stupid and tries to act edgy. It's fine, though, because it's just a game that people shouldn't take seriously.
Isn't it weird to think that every game I've played I've won? I mean, granted, I've only played two games so far, but still. Maybe I'm just really good at this game! At the same time, though, I shouldn't get too cocky.
There's a lot of lobbies I can join. Dream, Nugget, Fangirl, Chum Chum, Thirsty, Need a gf, and Clown. I'm gonna join the Clown one, maybe because I want to feel an extra fright. Maybe that'll spice up my Among Us journey. At the same time, I'll probably regret it in the end. Fuck it, let's join.
Masochistically, I click join, and I'm in!
Clown is white with a party hat, and he greets me with a frightening laugh. A chill goes down my spine as I stare in horror.
"Hahaha, welcome, newbie!" he shouts. "I'm Clown, and I love newcomers in my lobby! I also love to laugh and make everyone laugh! Haha!"
"Well, you're failing," I reply without thinking. "Miserably."
Hopefully that will make him think I'm not scared of him. Why am I scared, though? He's literally just another Among Us bean. I should just forget it.
"I'm gonna cry about that remark later," Clown replies. "Have a look around, see who's all here."
I look around some to get a good look at the crewmates here.
Oh, another person named Edgelord! This time they're purple with a knife in their head.
There's someone called Angel, who is wearing a halo and is yellow.
Plant God, a brown crewmate wearing a leaf on his head.
Nagito, a green crewmate with no hat. Is that a reference to something?
Not Pink, a pink crewmate with cat ears (really reminds me of someone).
U suck, an orange crewmate with a plague mask.
Janitor, a red crewmate with a caution hat.
And finally, Sir Idiot, a black bean with a top hat and a mini crewmate.
"Hey," I say to all of them. "I wonder what this one's gonna be like."
"DERP!" U suck shouts. "DERP DERP DERPITY DERP!"
"Language!" Angel shouts. "There's no swearing allowed here, Clown said so himself!"
"I did!" he replies, chuckling. That's so creepy, and I don't trust him.
"All she said was-" I start to say before getting interrupted.
"I speak Derp, I know what she was saying," Angel replies.
"Want to wear my top hat, Mini Idiot?" Sir Idiot says to his mini crewmate.
"No, it's dark in there," Mini Idiot replies.
Blue's Travels (An AUL Fanfic)
FanfictionBlue plays Among Us for the first time, and playing it becomes one of his favorite pastimes. He spends a lot of his time exploring new lobbies, each one being a different experience. Sometimes, though, he'll join games with his friends. What'll h...