The Solid Agent

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Secrets Divisional Nine Research facility 

Target: "Steal Data files of all the Winter Soldiers"

Location: "North Zanzibar forest"

0400 hours July 29, 2015

It shows a helicopter flying above the research facility as it shows man having a eye patch and a bandana wrapped around his head sitting down inside the chopper as it lands outside of the facility the man proceeds to get off of the helicopter and starts walking towards the researcher facility entrance door wall but stops as he got a radio call.

??: "General I've landed in front of the researcher facility."

General: "Great work. Corporal I have the staffs to send you the building schematics to your solid eye. The intel we need is inside should be a piece of cake, but...There's only one heat signature inside."

??: "Just one?"

General: "Yeah. Maybe everyone has gone out for something but be careful. We don't know what did Divisional nine has left in that building."

??: "Thanks General. Piece of cake."

As the man then ends the radio call he then proceeds to enter the facility seeing the lights are on he then move slowly walking in the hallway making his way to the data files. Seeing no one around he then reach to the server room where the data is in before he could enter the general then talk to him in his codec.

General: "Corporal he in the room."

Hearing that the agent then ready his M9 pistol while having his back close to the wall getting ready for this the agent then move out of the wall as he point the gun in the room. As he did that a Winter Soldier did the same thing as the two points their pistol at each other.


(Play this song)

The Winter soldier then tries to shoot the agent but miss as he then hit the Winter Soldier arm away as the two continue evading each others bullets not till the agent quickly made the Winter Solider lose his fire arm as he punch him in the room as he have his gun aimed at him. Once pointing his pistol at the Winter Soldier he then look at the server computer seeing the data downloaded not till the Winter soldier  quickly throws two throwing knifes at the server destroying all the data.

??: "Where the data!"

Winter Soldier: "Why would you like to know?"

As the two quickly starts fighting at each other the agent continues blocks the Winter Soldier attack not till he was then kick out of the room but into the hallway. Getting up from the floor of the hallway he then see's the Winter Soldier getting his assaults' rifle out as he began starts unloading his mag to the agent as he then quickly runs and dodge some bullets that almost hit it.

Once the Winter Soldier was reloading after he was done reloading he then came out of the room aiming his rifle at the hallway but then see's a cardboard box leaving. Confused by this the Winter Soldier then follows where did the cardboard box went. 

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