Chapter 1

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TW! Derealization towards the end of the chapter.

My eyes narrow, slowly exhaling. I pull back my arm aiming for the cue ball. Taking in another breath, I shoot the chalked stick forward, propelling the cue ball forward. It hurls toward its target, rolling across the green felted table. The last shot and it's up to me.

"And it hits the eight ball! They make the shot and the crowd goes wild!!" I shout with victory. "HA! That's what you get for trying to best the greatest pool player on the server." I tease, taking a heroic stance.

"Again? How are you so good at this?" Foolish asks. "I am so gonna beat you someday."

"Try me." I jest. The casino is my favorite place in Las Nevadas. The smell of the chalk for the cues, the sound of dice being rolled and coins being dropped. A lively buzz from all the patrons. Plus, with connections to the boss, I get unlimited gambling.

"Wow, I'm impressed, Y/N" I hear from behind me. Speak of the devil. I spin around and see Quackity, leaning on the doorway to the pool room. "You're becoming quite the player." He says. He's up to something, I can tell.

"Thanks, I learned from the best." I try to match his energy.

"Hm." He chuckles softly. "You still have to work on your aim though, just because you can beat Foolish doesn't mean you're the best. No offense, Foolish."

"Some taken." Foolish sighs. I roll my eyes and walk past Quackity, bumping into his shoulder.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say. Boss." As I walk out of the room I look back, and see Quackity looking back, slightly surprised by my playful attitude. I walk down to the main casino and hear a conversation between Foolish and Quackity. I never thought I would be involved with a country again, but here we are.

(A few weeks earlier..)

Day 30

I've been travelling for almost a month now. Life has been better since I let everything go. No more wars, countries, or betrayals. I havent really found much since I started this journey. I have a new horse, Gustav. And Gooney, my doggo is doing well. After a few villages, I've gotten some new armour, emeralds, and food. I like travelling. I'm finally free. I only rely on myself, no attachments. Although... I'm thinking of building a house. The desert seems to go on forever, and there's a village nearby. I'll spend tomorrow gathering materials.

- Y/N

I close the journal and sigh. The view from the desert village's tower is nice. I can see all the colors of the sunset. The silhouette of the sandstone mountains in the distance.

It's nearly dark so I take out my lantern for light. I'm exhausted but I don't feel like sleeping so I breathe in the warm night air. Thinking of a design for my house, I look off into the distance. Is- is that a light? No, my mind is just playing tricks on me.

"Fuck" I breathe as I realize the light is getting closer. I turn out the lantern and hide. Why did I have to stay in the village tonight? I think. That's so obvious! I could have slept in a small cave! The light's getting even closer. Whatever. If whoever that is, I'll politely tell them to fuck off and I'll be on my way. They're in the village now. I duck behind the wall, peeking from a window.

Something's off. I don't hear any trades going on or chests opening. They're looking for me. The closer they get, I see... No. A skeleton horse? Why would Quackity be here? No one has heard from him in so long. Ugh whatever, I'll just hide behind the wall until he leaves. Is he placing blocks? What the hell is he up to now? I listen...

*tsssssszs* Oh god. I run back to the top of the tower and jump to the neighboring house, and then the next. Just as I land on the second house, The entire tower explodes, sandstone flying everywhere. He tried to kill me?!

"What the fuck, man?!" I shout from the roof. "I was in there!! You could have killed me!!"

"Good to see you again, Y/N. Your face always makes my-well, night." He chuckles at his own joke. "Why don't you come down here, have a little chat with me." Is he insane? He has to be joking. There's no way this fucker just tried to blow me up and now wants to "have a little chat." I hop down from the roof, landing inches from his face.

"Why the hell are you here, Quackity. I thought you went into hiding after this happened." I poke at his forehead, on his scar. His cocky smile turns into a frown as he grabs my wrist and puts my hand down. His smile returns.

"Look, no one has seen you in a month. All this time out here wandering probably made you strong, huh? Being all alone for that amount of time, I'd bet your psyche is strong enough to withstand the isolation." He taunts

"Don't patronise me." I bark at him.

"Or- maybe the opposite. Maybe you got sick, can't handle all the monsters. Maybe you're slowly withering away. Maybe your mind can't cope with having no one around. You're losing your grip. Seeing things. You can't even tell if I'm real right now, can you?" What an asshole. I think as I grit my teeth.

"I know you're real. Because if I made you up, you wouldn't be such a dick. I won't let you pull the same shit Dream did with Tommy. I chose to be out here, and I'll be damned if I let you ruin this for me." I turn away towards the stables to grab Gustav and be on my way. Quackity fell quiet after my remark, so I'm sure he'll leave me alone now.

"Do you really want to compare me to Dream?" He shouts from behind me. I stop.

"Why are you here, Quackity? What do you want from me?" I feel his hands on my shoulders. I turn around. His head is sunk. Leaning forward, keeping himself up with my shoulders.

"Come with me." He says in a softer tone. "I need you. Your strength. Your wit, cleverness." I feel bad for him. I sigh.

"What do you need me to do?"

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