🌷Chapter 10🌷

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" hey wait a minute, how can you come to my house without permission". Zhan yelled.

" My little brother is living here means I will also live here from now on since I can't go back to the dragon realm for a while". Haikuan said.

" What do you mean?". Zhan asked.

" Dragon realm is currently on a mess that's why the dragon king send all the dragons with the age of 20 below to the human realm to find a temporary master". Haikuan said.

" Your lying". Zhan said.

" What do you mean?". Haikuan asked.

" Your lying, I can see through your eyes, your not telling me everything". Zhan said.

Haikuan sighed and raised his hands in defeat.

" That's right, I am telling you half of truth and half of lie, it's true that the dragon realm is in mess because of some greedy dragons from wen's who wants to kill all the royal family, I was sent here to protect and warn my little brother about the danger in his life". Haikuan said.

" W...what do you mean?". Zhan asked in shock.

" Actually, Yibo is the second prince of the dragon realm, he and I are the blood son of the dragon king, so it means we are both targeted, the dragon king our father send me here to hide and protect my little brother from those crazy greedy Wens, father thought that we are protected here so he choose to send me here and hide at the same time protect and warn Yibo and also you since you are Yibo choosen master and also his... soulmate". Haikuan said.

" Soulmate?". Zhan asked.

" Yes you two were soulmates, that's why father let yibo were allowed to choose you, actually dragons can choose their masters but the king will still have the decision to let them choose him/her as their master or no, but the king let yibo choose you because you are his soulmate, I can explain only this to you, there is more secrets you need to know but the king said you will know it in time". Haikuan said.

Zhan was so shocked but their conversation was cutted with Yibo's whimpers.

" Baby are you okay?". Zhan asked while caressing Yibo's face.

" Ge...ge...ge". Yibo mumbled.

Haikuan took out a bottle and gave it to Zhan.

" Make him drink this, it's a pill to help him from the pain, father gave it to me, it will help him transform without any pain anymore". Haikuan said.

" Why didn't you told me sooner". Zhan yelled and took the bottle.

Haikuan giggled and Zhan immediately let yibo drink one pill.

After few minutes Yibo stopped whimpering and slowly opened his eyes.

" Gege". Yibo mumbled.

" Baby are you okay?". Zhan asked.

" I'm fine ge, what happened?". Yibo asked.

" Your going through your first transformation". Haikuan said.

" Huh?, Who are you?". Yibo asked.

" My name is Haikuan your blood big brother, how can you forget me". Haikuan whined with a pout.

" ahhh, I am sorry gege I am just teasing you, what are you doing here?". Yibo asked

Haikuan told Yibo what he had told to Zhan and Yibo eyes widen in shock.

" How about father and mother, why did you leave them ge?". Yibo asked.

" I don't want too but they told me to protect you and your master because we both are being targeted, we are still young and we still don't have full access of our powers, father build a protective shield all over this village, also they told me to go with you to our senior dragon here to train". Haikuan said.

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