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"Jayden wake up time for school." My mom whispered to not wake up my dad, who knows what he'll do if she woke him up. I nodded and sat up. I don't really feel like going to school today so I'll just skip. I'll open my window and put the trash can outside the window. "Hurry up." My twin brother whispered. I waved him off and put on my backpack.

I walked out of the house and my mom kissed us goodbye. I ran out back and left my brother. I'll get in so much trouble if I get caught. I climbed into my room and cut on my Xbox. Shit, I forgot to lock the door. I tiptoed to the door and locked it.

A few hours later my parents got home arguing about something. It gets pretty heated and then it goes silent. I stand up and unlock the door and peek my head out. I heard coughing and struggled breathing so I ran down the stairs to find my dad having my mom in a chokehold. I charge him and knock him down and my mom stumbles away. "Fuck you!" I yelled and my dad tried to push me off but I think I broke something. I punched him in the face multiple times. Until I saw a knife on the counter and reached for it. My mom screamed for me not to do it. But I did it.

I held the knife up in the air and stabbed him. I was so sick of his shit. Everything he's done to me and my siblings is shit. He has no right to treat us the way he has been doing. I stabbed him maybe 4 times until the cops burst through the door. I looked at them and they charged me. One of them tazed me and I fell to the floor in pain. I called for my mom and she just peeked her head around the corner. She betrayed me. "I didn't do it, I swear." I sobbed.

I was thrown into the back of a police car as the ambulance arrived. She defends what he does. She claims she loves him and always comes crawling for his attention. That isn't a relationship. It's a rematch.

When we got to the police station I was held with a gun to my head and handcuffs. A bunch of cops searched me and yelled at me. I felt so humiliated. I took my mugshot and was thrown into a cell.

A few weeks later

"Come on Jayden, you need to talk to me so we can go through this trial." My attorney begged. I haven't said a word since I've been here. "He was trying to kill her." I mumbled. "What do you mean?" She asked and held my hand in encouragement. "They were arguing and he started to choke her, so I charged him." I confessed. "Mhm keep going."

"He's abusive and he's been hurting me and my family since.. forever. So I decided to try and set us free." I said and she continued to write down what I just said. "But I would never hurt anybody, of course, I'm not crazy. I don't know what came over me but it happened."

"Are you ready?" A cop asked. "Yeah, we are ready." She hugged me and left the room. "Let's go, kid." The cop lightly tapped my shoulder and I got up. When I got to the stand in front of maybe 40 people they all bood me. I looked down at my feet to keep the eye contact off me. "Okay settle down people we are about to start." The judge banged the gavel on the table.

"Okay, I'm gonna start off with some simple questions that Jayden will answer." She said seriously. "Why did you do it?" She asked. "I-I um... My dad and my mom came home arguing and it got heated... then I heard something like struggling so I left my room to check. I saw my dad holding her in a chokehold so I charged him to save her.." I paused and tried so hard not to start crying. "You're doing good, keep going." My judge said. "I started to punch him because what if I wasn't there that day? Because how far would he have taken it?" The judge nodded in understanding. "I saw a knife and I thought about all of the times my father has abused me and my family. I just wanted it to stop, so I stabbed him." I hesitated.

"Okay good. Can you elaborate on the abuse part?" I nodded. "Yeah, for my whole life my father has hit me and yelled at me for having a bad day or h-having a dish in the sink when I haven't been home all day. I-I have bruises." I raised my shirt and revealed a healing purple bruise. "Are you nervous being here?" She asked. "Yes ma'am."


"I-I just don't like it here. I d-don't wanna go to jail." I wiped the tear that slipped from my eye. She nodded and looked at the people sitting down. I looked to my right and saw my mom eyeing me. "He's a liar!" My mom yelled. I flinched and put my head down. I'm not a liar. "Excuse me you do not get to yell out like that."

My mom mumbled a small sorry. "Okay, Jayden now it's your mom's turn so I need you to be quiet for me. Okay?" I nodded and she motioned her body towards my mom. "Me and your dad were play fighting. We didn't come home arguing, we were laughing because at first, he was tickling me. Then you took it too far." My mouth was wide open. I was disappointed, betrayed, and baffled. Why would she lie? Doesn't she want this to end?

I was dragged back to the court and today they are declaring my sentence. They said I will have a long sentence for lying and attempted murder. I just wish I could go back and let that bitch die. This is her fault I'm even here.

"10 years. After you've served your time you will be on house arrest for 6 months." The judge said. My mom looked at me with a sympathetic look but that isn't going to help me. I will be with the murders, pedophiles, and strange people. I don't wanna be there for 10 years. The room started to go black and I got dizzy. Then I fainted.

I later woke up in the ER. Was that real? Am I going to be in jail for 10 years? This isn't fair.

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