hexed him after that 💁
slytherinprinceslytherinprince as if it was the first time 🙄
rosesrred you must be used to it by now😏
imsirius I'm proud of you Rosie
freddie2 ^
scorpionking which hex?
rosesrred bat bogey!
rosesrred aunt ginny taught me
scorpionking wicked!
rosesrred ikr! it was fun 😁
scorpionking could you teach me, would be awesome to use in school
rosesrred yeah, no problem
ariesdqueen .......
scorpionking ariesdqueen ????
ariesdqueen scorpionking are you and rosesrred having a CIVIL conversation!??
scorpionking uh
rosesrred ariesdqueen it was hardly a conversation.
scorpionking er yeah...
liliespot ariesdqueen it would've turned into a conversation had you not interrupted!
ariesdqueen liliespot um sorry. I was honestly shocked 🤷
slytherinprince woah! Scorp and Rosie managed to speak 7 lines without killing each other!!!
ariesdqueen ^ exactly
liliespot rosesrred scorpionking pls continue the conversation in private!
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FanfictionAll the characters belong to JK Rowling except the OCs.