twenty: felt before

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"I heard we're having pancakes for Lunch later." Junkyu complained while he walked up the staircase with Jeongwoo. "Why does Jaehyuk always cook pancakes when he knows they taste horrible?"

Jeongwoo just laughed at the elder while he tightly held the bag containing food for Haruto. "It's not like we have a choice. From the four of us, he's the only one who isn't lazy to cook."

"I can cook too, it's just that I'm too busy doing other things, namely sleeping." Junkyu smiled just by the thought of his comfort hobby. "By the way, I'm surprised you came to see Haruto today. You would always make weird excuses just to not come with me or Jaehyuk."

Jeongwoo hung his head low, stopping from walking up with Junkyu. "I was avoiding meeting him." He then thought of the day they were together with Haruto telling him that his condition was serious even though he said it was a joke.

I bet Haruto wouldn't want to see me. He's an anti-romantic afterall and I was the one who tasted his rejection.

Junkyu just looked at him with a blank expression, not knowing why he would avoid meeting someone he cares about so much.

"Hey, Junkyu Hyung." Jeongwoo called out Junkyu's name without looking at him. "Is it okay if I ask you to move on from Haruto? I really like him... even though he doesn't like me back."

Even though he was startled by his sudden question, Junkyu still kept his straight face without blinking. A few seconds later, he beamed a smile to Jeongwoo. "I moved on already, I was just trying to get back to Haruto as friends. You can have him, I'll try to help you win his heart."

Jeongwoo looked up to Junkyu with a shocked face. "That's not really necessary—"

"Hey, Park Jeongwoo!" Junkyu wrapped his arm around the younger's shoulders as they continued walking up. "I didn't know you've grown so much! The only love you believed was a parental and friendly love before you fake-dated Haruto!"

Jeongwoo smiled shyly, not believing how long it has been since they first started and now he's almost going to have a solo debut. "Who would've thought that a delusional anti-fan's post could change my fate?"

The two then arrived the 12th floor and walked through the narrow hallways to reach Haruto's room. Junkyu let out a light gasp after getting a good idea. "How about let's drink tonight? Besides, your solo is coming so having a drink tonight is like having a celebration."

"That sounds good! I'll just get my usual chocolate milk since I can't drink alcohol yet!" Jeongwoo laughed together with Junkyu as they almost reached Haruto's room.

"Call Dr. Choi!" Two nurses rushed inside a room as if there's an emergency happening inside.

Junkyu and Jeongwoo stayed back, confused of what's going on. "Hey, Jeongwoo. Isn't that Haruto's room?" They then slowly walked by the door of Room 405 and peeked at the several nurses surrounding Haruto's bed.

"Hang in there! The doctor is coming!" One nurse held Haruto's hand tightly while another nurse placed an oxygen mask on Haruto's face. "Sir, Can you hear me? You'll feel better! Just breathe deeply."

Jeongwoo and Junkyu wore the same expressions of worry as they saw Haruto holding the bed frame tightly, losing every breath he has. Jeongwoo tightened his grip on Junkyu's sleeve while Junkyu held Jeongwoo firmly by the shoulders.

"Doctor, please hurry!" The nurse turned off her phone after calling the doctor before she caressed Haruto's pale face. "Sir Watanabe, Look this way, please. Sir, Can you hear me? Crying will just make you more exhausted, please stop crying!"

Haruto's grip on the bed frame slowly loosened up, his hand falling on the bed. It only meant that he stopped breathing and lost his consciousness.

anti-romantic ; hajeongwooWhere stories live. Discover now