v. autumn

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Hoseok ran through the crowded forest of trees, keeping his eyes open as they darted from left, to right, and back again. His sandal-covered feet splashed in the shallow puddles of rain water mixed with mud and rock as he skidded around trees- mindful not to lose his balance. The demon he was chasing wasn't particularly impressive when it came down to speed and evasion as the hunter gained more and more ground on it.

A small fry barely able to call itself a demon- it must've just recently come to it's demonic light.

Hoseok reached into the pocket of his keikogi as he grabbed a small chute of bamboo that had been modified as a container. Pushing the small, circular piece of wood that was over the top of the hollow, hand length chute, he swung his arm up flinging something from inside out to fly far in front of him. Small, deep purple balls flung from the bamboo as they hit the ground and soon the rainy, woodland area was encased in a shield of smoke.

He shoved the bamboo back into his pocket as he heard the sound of the demon hitting the ground before it started gasping. This smoke was absolutely disgusting to demons, but had no effect whatsoever on humans. It didn't even sting Hoseok's eyes. It was thick, but it wouldn't be for long.

The rain won't let the smoke last, Hoseok thought as he dashed around through the smoke screen, have to act fast. Soon enough, his running came to a heel-skidding, muddy stop as the demon he was pursuing was on the ground, clawing at the dirt and mud, attempting to get back on its feet.

Sensing- then seeing- Hoseok behind it's back, it hissed in pathetic warning. Hoseok's blade that he had pulled from its scabbard was raised, his arm immediately swinging down with the intent on beheading the foul beast, but the blow was misdelivered. The demon had scrambled in the muddy and rock enough to crouch on the balls of its feet before lunging at Hoseok. The blow that was supposed to sever its head, instead sliced along it's chest. Damaging sure, but not fatal.

The demon howled as it knocked Hoseok onto his back before rolling off the fallen hunter and dashing off again. The smoke was all but clearing out now, the effects not lasting just as he knew it wouldn't.

"Shit," he cursed under his breath. The sounds of the tree branches above his head creaking made him look up. "Stay on it!" He shouted, the rain only drizzling on him thanks to the cover of the high foliage. You, from above, silently obeyed as you were soon jumping from tree branch to tree branch, easily keeping up with your lower leveled, common demon.

It had almost succeeded in leaving the thick line of trees, but freedom was soon knocked out of it as you plowed into it's back. Your knees had come crashing down on it's spine as you propelled yourself from a branch down to the muddy earth. Pinning the demon down on it's chest, it scraped the ground, flinging mud and water up to try and get away.

All but fruitless efforts.

Your hand that rested on the back of it's head ignited. Blue fire surrounded it's skull in mere moments and it was no surprise to hear it screaming and struggling against the heat. The stench of burning flesh and hair and blood waffed through your sensitive nostrils as you grimaced. You raise your free hand to cover your mouth and nose. That paired with the lingering scent of the smoke bombs from before almost made you want to vomit.

"At your back," a low voice called from behind you. You immediately sprung off the demon's back, flipping over its head, but never releasing it. You knelt in front of the demon, pushing its face into the dirt and continued keeping your fire burning strong as you pinned it down by the back of it's skull.

The thrashing struggle ended and the screams died when Hoseok's sword came down onto the back of its neck, cutting clean through the flesh and bone. You lightly lifted the severed head off the muddy, woodland floor before you threw it far into the trees. Just as a precaution. The body then began to disintegrate as Hoseok swung the blood off his blade and resheathed it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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