Quackity POV 😻

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I open up Discord to look at my missing messages, and smile as I see a couple of unread messages from George. His blue icon with a red number next to it always makes my insides twist. I click on it excited, and can feel myself lift off my seat. The air conditioning is humming in the background, and the faint glow of the computer shines in my room. The dark colors of Discord pop up and I feel my eyes gaze over the words George has typed.

hey quackity
you up for a stream?
i have a fun idea we can try out
tell me if you're up for it :)

I hover over the keyboard for a second and feel my fingers type back faster than I can think.

Yeah sure I'd be up it
oh nice!
Anytime George

I smile and lean back and bite my lip. George makes me feel some type of way, god I don't know why but I always smile whenever he's online. I get myself set up, even though I'm not on camera for this stream, I like to make myself look my best. I hover over the call George is in and take a deep breath. I close my eyes and click onto the call. George's soft velvety voice fills my headphones and I can hear him smile.

"Hey what's up chat! Today we're gonna learn Spanish with Quackity! Say hi Quackity!" He smiles and I open up his stream and feel my face flush red. I clear my voice and look into his eyes on the stream.

"Hey chat!" I stumbled out. George laughed and I felt my heart soar.

"Last time we learned didn't go so well, but I'm ready to learn." George starts looking onto his screen and pulls up something on his stream.

"I have a special surprise for you, Quackity." He smiles. I leaned in closer to my screen, trying to read his emotions. George is hard to read, he hides his emotions well, and can mask how he feels.

"What is it George?" I smiled, a photo of a bed popped up for a quick second and I reacted on instinct.

"Woah George, take me on a date first jeez-" I teased. George scoffed and and wiped his mouth. I smiled, knowing he was hiding his smile.

"George already has a boyfriend, Whoa Quackity." A voice laughed and cracked through the call. I felt my eyes go wide. His iconic smile and hat was shown on stream and he was on stream with George. I stuttered and gulped.


Quackity x George x Jack Manifold Where stories live. Discover now