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3rd Person

Eddie broke up with Gabby the day after he came over. He had stayed over that night, so he did it the next day, wanting to give her full closure and not just a text. Which is very kind of him. Gaege didn't go with him, not wanting to see her face when she got the news. But Eddie told Gaege that she took it better than he was expecting. There were still tears, but Gabby had said that she had sensed that something was off with him for a while. Eddie did never admit to having an affair with Gaege to her, he knew that would just hurt her more. Knowing that even when they were together, he was cheating on her emotionally and physically. Gabby was happy for Eddie though. And she agreed to continue with videos, for the sake of Eddie's image. She wasn't so much mad at him, as just sad that the love of her life, didn't see her that way anymore. Which is very understandable. You can't be mad at a person for loving someone else. It's just the way their heart works. You can't be mad at them for that. But she's helping them keep a good image still. But the rest of the Boys do know because they don't want to sneak around them. And they want to be able to be open with them and not have to hide it when we're hanging out with them. So they already know. Gabby's family was a bit more upset than Gabby herself. They're not happy at all that Gabby has agreed to stay on good terms with Eddie on screen. Because they want her to cut everything off with him. Get away from him. Gaege is just happy to finally have the love given back to him that he forever gave to Eddie. They're both very happy now. Now that they are finally together with each other. Finally.

                                                                                   THE END!

Hope you guys liked it! Luv you all! 

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