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It was pitch black outside. The world in a silent bliss as it embraced the peacefulness of slumber. Young Lawliet looked out through the window, his nocturnal abilities letting him see the world in a blood red shade. He sighed yet again, in an attempt to ease the pain. The physical part of the pain was manageable. It was the emotional part that was creating a chaos within him. Just a little longer. He waited for 7 whole years and was willing to wait for as long as possible. But what he needed was a confirmation. Something, anything that promised her existence. But no, all he got was pity talks on how she could be dead. Oh how he hated them. His grip on the window sill tightened a fraction but as soon as he heard the slight sound of cracking glass, he let go. The last thing he wanted was someone to wake up and disturb him. Another sigh. Despite all the discouraging, he still believed that one day he will meet her. He pictured their meeting and hoped that someday, his dream would come true. "can I talk to you?" the ever so serious tone of his eldest brother got him to turn. He really wasn't in a mood to talk but he hate to say no to one of the very few people who saw him as a living, breathing person instead of a show piece. "yea" he replied. Nicholas walked over to the window and the two brothers stared ahead. "Mr. Wilson called me today. He asked to inform you that you will be having your last shoot tomorrow." He stated. Lawliet resisted the urge to groan. Instead, he hummed out a short reply. Despite being a member of the currently ruling royal family, his father still made him work as a model. 'this is the least he could do for the family'- his father, The great Daimen Luis Leonard had said.

Lawliet had snorted at the mention of the term 'family'. Everyone in their kingdom knew the intensity of love between the members of this 'family'. A mother with an obsessive love for her eldest son, who was not ready to even consider the idea of giving the kingdom to her third son, who, unlike the other, was born with the eligibility to be an incredibly powerful king. Kathelyn utterly hated Lawliet for the same reason. Then there is his father, who blindly obliged whatever be his wife's desire. While the people of his kingdom were afraid of him, he was terrified of upsetting his wife. Then comes Nicholas with his kind heart and just behavior, the one lawliet always looked up to. The 400 year old vampire was true to his heart and had been training his entire life to become a successful ruler like his father. But he had to wait one more year to know if he would really become the king, that is, till Lawliet's 18th birthday. Then comes the second son in the family, Alexander. A light hearted fellow with endless enthusiasm. He would be the one to ease the thick tension in the air whenever the royal family met to dine. He was Lawliet's second favorite person in the house, first being Nicholas. This would have been the end of family description, if his father hadn't had another son, only this one wasn't from the same womb. Braiden was the only son of Elaine Parker, the queen of phylanthepus. Vampires will go through different life stages, one of them being heat. In this stage, the vampire will crave for mating and it doesn't matter if its one's own mate or not. This could happen in any age and could be a very painful time for them if they try to fight the urges, especially if the vampire is older than a century. Unfortunately for Daimen, his heat occurred when he was 400, on the day he went to phylanthepus for a peace summit. Despite his efforts to contain it, the pain got the better of him and poor Elaine had to sacrifice herself to the powerful king for the sake of her kingdom. Soon, Braiden was born. Nicholas was 320 at that time. It took a good 3 years for the father and son to get Kathelyn to talk to Daimen again. And that's why the king is afraid to upset her again. But that wasn't the case with lawliet. He got his heat 2 months ago. And ever since then his brothers were trying to get him to mate to get rid of the pain. But the young vampire was adamant in waiting for his real mate. As he is just 17, the pain wouldn't be much of a trouble and could be contained with the help of medicines in the daytime. But in the night, it was pretty much a different story. And he was stubborn enough to not fall for the urges. That's what worried Nico the most. His brother going through so much pain, just waiting for someone whom he should have met at the age of 10. That's exactly why he came with him to the UAE for his photo shoot. Nico was a very talented doctor and he wanted to be there for his brother and so, he had to take the excuse of blood collection from the Emirates. "we'll leave at 5 in the evening. That will be 6 hours after the shoot. You'll have to meet me at Khalifah hospital at 4:30. Okay?" "okay" with a nod Nico started to the door. "try to get some sleep. Goodnight" he said. "goodnight" Lawliet mumbled. He had a good 5 and half hour's time to go for a drive the next day. He stood there, admiring beauty of the night in its red hue as he thought about his mysterious mate and twisted family situations and about his brother who knew everything about him except for the fact that he was an insomniac.  

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