Safe and Sound

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Although the current time was unbeknownst to Tommy, he knew it was an ungodly hour of the night. Logically, he should be asleep right now. He had been mere minutes ago, and he couldn't quite place what had woken him up. He was plenty tired, and quite comfortable compared to his own bed at home.

With a small, irritated huff, Tommy kicked his legs out. He pried the blanket from over him, making the process of turning to lay the other way much easier. He grunted in a dull sense of irritation, having to bend at an uncomfortable angle to pull it back over him. He was now facing the wall, his back turned to face the sparsely decorated bedroom.

He was staying the night in Ranboo and Tubbo's mansion. Originally he'd been opposed to the idea. However, it had gotten dark far sooner than he'd expected and it probably wouldn't be safe to travel home alone. On top of that, the snow had picked up quite heavily outside. He had to admit the mansion looked nice, but he'd much rather be in his home.

Maybe that was why he was having trouble sleeping. Something to do with the new environment. Well, whatever reason for his restlessness, it was pissing him off. He just simply wanted to sleep the night away so he could go back home first thing in the morning, but his body seemed to have other plans. He just couldn't get comfortable no matter the position he was in.

After Ranboo had gotten the guest bedroom prepared for it's soon to be inhabitant, Tubbo had practically dragged him upstairs. It was almost like he was worried Tommy would change his mind and run away at the last moment, which wasn't at all implausible. Tommy wondered distantly what the repercussions of running away now would be. Surely they wouldn't mind all that much. And he would probably be tired enough to fall asleep with almost ridiculous levels of ease after the long journey.

Tommy hummed slowly, deciding against the idea. Although he liked to pretend to hate everything even loosely associated with Ranboo, the mansion was really nice. It was always at a suitable temperature, keeping everyone inside warm against the cold. So, although Tommy put up a facade of hating the mansion, he really didn't mind staying the night all that much. It was cozy, and god knows he could do with some comfort. Maybe he did like his home more, but he definitely wasn't opposed to staying in the mansion as the front he put up.

Another few restless moments later, Tommy decided to go on a small walk. Surely a small walk around the mansion would tire him out enough to fall asleep, the place was pretty big. He'd just have to be careful to not wake the family living here.
He got up rather ungracefully, letting the blanket pool around his sides before standing up. It wasn't worth making it look nice if he planned on coming right back, he reasoned as he made his way to the door.

After stepping into the hallway, Tommy took a brief moment to glance around the dark interior. He was a little ways away from where the actual bedrooms were, considering the guest bedrooms were in a whole other area. He didn't necessarily have to be all that careful in terms of volume, but he was anyway. Believe it or not, he was pretty respectful when it came to letting others rest. As someone who had trouble sleeping for a long period of time, Tommy could recognize the importance of a good night's rest.

He slowly made his way down the stairs, cringing as one of them creaked under his weight. He kept his grip taught on the railing as he tried to lean more of his body weight into that, rather than the stairs.
After having successfully reached the bottom, a sense of balance was restored to his lilt.

He quietly trudged his way to the living room, looking at the embers of what must of have been the remains of the earlier fire in the fireplace. He gazed at them thoughtfully, studying the way their glow seemed to increase and decrease periodically. It reminded him of a heart beat, in a way. If the embers were the heart of the fire, then the actual flames must be the jaws, snapping wildly at the air and consuming whatever may lay in its path. Tommy liked fire, sort of. But he also feared it, for what he felt like were good reasons. 

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