Your melody - 1 (Jungkook)

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Miwa High, the school where you studied. You weren't popular; neither were you a bad girl. You were hardly noticeable as you managed to blend in the crowd all the time. Your grades were average and you weren't interested in any of the sports or cheer-leading. You were just a girl on the sidelines who liked to live her life in peace in her own way. You were always in your own world which was surrounded by music and you liked it that way.

You were walking towards your school as you had earphones plugged. As said earlier people hardly noticed you. But then there was this person that was the completely opposite of you. Girls would look at him all the time hoping he would spare them a glance while guys tried to get along with him because of his popularity.

Jeon Jungkook, the all rounder who was good at everything he did. His grades weren't the best but they were better than average. He was in the football team, he could dance very well and the reason all the girls swooned over him was his handsome face and well built body. His one and only best friend, the class topper Cha Eunwoo was popular as well. Both of them were known as the school heartthrobs. The three of you were in the same class but they never noticed you. But you didn't care either. All you wanted was a peaceful life and if anything they would bring all the attention on you which would make your life troublesome. You liked to keep a low profile.

You settled on your desk in the corner near the window. You looked at the sky and remembered the words your idol, Kim Namjoon had said, "Look up and we're looking at the same sky." You kept looking out of the window until there were loud noises indicating the heartthrobs had arrived. You sighed and put your earphones in your bag as you waited for the teacher to arrive. The classes went on like that until the lunch break arrived. You waited for everyone to leave as you slowly made your way towards your favorite spot where you could be by yourself.

You didn't sit in the canteen, but at a tree outside where it would be difficult to spot you. The rest of the day passed as usual and you went home.

You were now at the river side with your guitar. You loved to come here in the under the open sky and play your guitar. There would be people around but they would be mostly minding their own business. You were humming a song as your fingers tugged on the strings creating sweet sounds. You were in your own world playing with the strings and humming the song. You didn't realize when a ball was coming straight at your guitar. As soon as you realized you turned your guitar around and shielded it with your body making the ball hit your head harshly.

Y/N:Ouch! What the hell?!

You looked around to see the person who threw the ball. At a distance you could see some boys who were all looking at you. You picked your belongings along with the ball and went to them. As you neared them you realized they were from your school's football team. You cursed mentally for not escaping and rather turning up to them. This simply meant trouble but you weren't backing off now that you made your mind to confront them.

Y/N: Are you that bad at playing that you don't realize which way your ball is going?

You asked with a hint of irritation in your voice.

Caleb: Sorry, we were actually trying to make a goal.

There was the jerk, Hwang Caleb of Miwa highschool whom you hated with every ounce of your being because he liked to bully people.

Y/N: Well I don't know how you made it on the team because you were way far off hitting a person instead.

A few giggles could be heard.

Caleb: Yeah we made a bet that whoever hits your head gets half points and if the hit your guitar they would get full points.

Caleb said not bothering if his words could hurt other people. You looked at them and saw Jungkook and Eunwoo with them. Honestly you didn't care what they did but atleast you didn't expect this from them.

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