Chapter 7: Enemy Territory

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The Wielders were in the Arcana Corporation's floating fortress. They had been sneaking about for a few minutes. Around the hallways of the fortress, there were several workers of the Arcana Corporation.
In some kind of storage facility, Shard peeked around the corner.
"Ay!" He yelled, for literally no reason.
"AAE-" Gail whacked him on the back of the head.
"Who are you signaling? We're right here!" She said.
"Shh! Zip it!" Lyte said, moving around the corner, scouting the vicinity. He waved his claw as an order for everyone to continue moving. Everyone followed.

In one room, they on a walkway above a hallway. There were many workers, not just guards. There were also members of the Royal Guard, as they had been asked help protect the corporation from the Wielders.
The team could overhear two engineers, both Senris, talking to each other.
"There was a minor fluctuation in the containment field, but the containment controller system kicked in before it could damage anything."
"Thank goodness. Also, I hope you all can manage without me at my station."
One senri rubbed the back of his head. "Yes, about that... we're going to need you in this weekend."
The other one was shocked and in dismay. "What?! But I already made plans..." he said, sadly.
"Don't worry, your picken convention will be there after the weekend."
The other engineer groaned.

The team walked through a hallway without detection. They had to hide behind objects strewn about.
"Oh, would you look at that!" A guard said. "Freespark did show up to work today." The guard glanced at an engineer. "Looks like someone here owes me lunch..."
The engineer groaned. "Hello, Freespark."
Another engineer laughed.

"So what do you think we should be looking for?" Darla asked.
"Anything, at this rate." Lyte said. "If something looks peculiar, then we should examine it."
Emerald looked to the side. "Like that?"
"Good eye, Wielder of Forest." Lyte said. Emerald was honored. It was the first time he was called 'Wielder'.
"How are we going to get in there?" Lyte asked.
A guard was walking down the hall, so the Wielders went into hiding behind massive pipes and other machinery. The guard had a slip on his waist that read 'Clearance Pass - Level 5'.
The guard walked away.
"I saw something on that guard. A pass we need to get in there." Ruby noticed the pass and pointed it out. "He went that way."
"Good work, Wielder of Fire. Let's get that pass." Lyte ordered.

The two managed to find the guard, walking down the hall. Gail was observing from the rafters in the ceiling. She then gave a signal.
Shard noticed it, and froze the floor in front of the guard.
Ruby then used her magic to melt the ice into water, which the guard slipped on.
Emerald then summoned a small vine and pulled the pass away from the guard, whose back was facing the kitsune. Emerald then retreated to the rafters, using a vine as a grappling hook.
"Ow.." The guard groaned.
The other Wielders joined them in the rafters. "We got the thing." Emerald held the pass up.
The team then backtracked to that door from earlier. Emerald used the pass at a slot, which unlocked the door. The Wielders went in and closed the door behind them.

They were in some kind of lounge, with clipboards, notes, and documents scattered about on chairs and coffee tables.
Lyte looked through a document, which was filled with techno-babble. He couldn't tell if he was holding it upside down or not.
"Keep an eye out for anything strange, guys." Ning said, looking in a drawer.
Emerald looked out an observation window and gasped. "You mean, like that?"
The team walked up next to him, and looked out the window.
It was a massive machine of some kind. The center of the machine was some orb of light, being bombarded with beams of magic light.
"What the hell is that?" Gail asked.
"Maybe it's some kind of power core, generating enough power to keep this facility running." Ning said.
"Looks more like a weapon to me." Ruby said.
"Whatever this thing is, it can't be good. And we can't just walk up and topple it with ease." Emerald said. He pointed the guards walking around the bottom of the machine. "These guards are armed to the teeth."
"Hmm." Lyte put his finger on his chin. "Our magic could probably destroy this wretched machination, but not with those guards around. We'd need to distract them, somehow."
"How we gunna do dat?" Shard asked. "Which one of us is da most a-noise-ing?"
Everyone looked at Shard.
"...Whadda youse all lookin' at?" Shard then realized.

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