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Joeys depressed.
Ever since A.J she's been in a funk. She won't talk to me or Dawson or anyone else. I once looked at her in class and I could've sworn she was sleeping with her eyes open. And on that same day we were taking a quiz and she didn't write one word.
I feel bad for her, as happy as I am to never have to see AJ's face ever again. I don't like seeing her like this. So I decided to take matters into my own hands. And I knew just where to take her.
10:32 pm April 5th
I picked up a rock and threw it at what I thought was Joeys window. She didn't answer the first time so I had to to do it three more times. I was beginning to think I got the wrong window and started to walk away when Joey opened the window and rolled her eyes when she saw me. "What do you want Pacey?" She rubbed her eyes from sleep.
"Did I wake you?"
"What do you think Pacey? At this hour?"
I smiled. "I see you're at your usual bubbly self." She flashed me the most dazzling fake smile I've ever seen, and I blushed, grateful for the dark.
"Get dressed we're going out."
She looked at me for a second then rolled her eyes again. "Goodnight Pacey." She said closing the window.
She waited to close the window and looked at me, waiting for me to say something.
"You won't regret it I swear just get down here."
"Oh I can guarantee I'll regret it."
"Come on potter what do have to lose? It's not a school night, you probably did all of your homework and you need a good cheering up after college guy." I said, counting on my fingers.
Joey contemplated this for a second and then finally she said, "No. No I'm sorry Pace but I'm just not in the mood."
I looked at her for real and I saw dark circles under her eyes and her sunken cheeks. "Are you all right? You look like shit."
"I'm just tired."
"Bullshit. You're depressed."
Joey gave me a dirty look. "Am not."
"Are too."
"Am not."
"Are too"
"Am not!"
"I could do this all night Jo, and I will unless you get your depressed ass down here."
Joey could light a dark room with the anger coming off of her.
"So what do you say?" Please say yes, please say yes, please easy yes.
"If I say yes, you have to say that I'm not depressed."
"Josephine potter you are most happiest person I have ever met." I said.
Joey smirked, taking full advantage of the situation. "Now say please."
I closed my eyes annoyed. "Please."
"Now give me the puppy dog eyes." Joey said.
"What? No. No. I'm not doing that."
"Ok well good night I guess." Joey said closing her window.
I muttered some curse words my mother wouldn't be so fond of. "Wait." Joey looked at me, waiting.
I sighed and then I gave her my biggest most pleading puppy dog eyes I could muster. "Please."
Joey laughed. "Much better." She closed her window and I saw her light turn on.
"Yes!" I said doing a fist in the air. She opened the front a few minutes later, her hair was brushed and she had on black sweatpants, and a hot pink cropped tank top with a windbreaker on. I opened the front door to my dads squad car. "Ladies first." I said.
She flipped me off as she got on the car.
"I can't believe I'm doing this."
The ride there was pretty awkward. I didn't plan this far, I wasn't even expecting her to get in the car. Why did she agree so easily? I expected her to repeatedly refuse and slam her window in my face. Now that my plan actually worked... now what? I tried to ask her how her day was, but the words froze on my tongue. I finally gave up and turned on the radio. "Don't stop believing" by journies just started playing.
Suddenly gaining courage I started singing to the song. "Living in a lonesome world. She took the late night train going anywhere."
"Are you serious right now?" Joey asked annoyingly.
"Sing it with me Joey." She rolled her eyes and looked out the window.
"A singer in a mhmm room. The smell of *mumble mumble* cheap perfume."
"You don't know the words."
"Damn straight I don't, but I might remember them if a specific angry girl sang em with me." I said insinuating that she sing with me.
Joey gave me a dirty look. "No. There is no way in hell."
"Come on you know you want to."
"No I don't."
"Livin just to find emotion. Hiding somewhere in the night." I sang raising my worst singing voice I could muster.
"If I sing will you shut up for two seconds?"
"I just might."
Joey hesitated as the song played and then she began to sing. "Working hard to get my fill. Everybody wants a thrill. Paying... to roll the dice. Just one more time..." She started singing softly but started to sing louder. I quickly joined in.
"Don't stop believing." We sang in unison.
"Hold onto your feet yeah street lights people." We continued to jam out to the songs that played on the radio. I was really happy that I got Joey to lighten up.
"Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise."
"Just tell me pacey."
"Well that would ruin the surprise."
Joey gave me a look that said, "I hate you, and I will kill you in your sleep."
Joey rolled her eyes. "I'll get it out of you sooner or later."
"We'll you won't have to because were here." I said.
We were at a big get together on the beach with drinking and and making out. People were dancing to this god-awful music.
"A party Pacey? You brought me to a party?"
"I like to think of it as a teenager gathering."
"Same damn thing." Joey said and got out of the car.
Joey sat down on a log brimming with anger at where we were and demanded I take her home, while I got her a drink.  "Here you go." I said siting next to her. Joey took it gratefully, downing it quickly.
"Now here is a girl who likes to party." I said downing mine as well.
"Is that a challenge?" Joey asked questionably.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
Joey raised her eyebrows in response.

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